Riches of Christ we should enjoy

C592 CB820 E820 G820 K592 P375 R556 S349 T820
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Riches of Christ we should enjoy
And then His fulness we will be;
Partaking of His very self,
His testimony men will see.
Riches of Christ are what He is
To us who are His members true;
His fulness is what we become
As body doth to man accrue.
Riches of Christ are typified
By Canaan’s produce rich and sweet,
With which the temple great was built,
The Church’s greatest type replete.
As Eve to Adam fulness was,
So is the Church to Christ her Head;
As Eve from Adam’s being came,
The Church by Christ’s own life is bred.
Christ’s riches are Himself within,
His fulness is the Church without,
As His expression, full of Him;
The Church with Christ is built throughout.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Br Jeff Hall

The Church In Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

When singing a hymn like this, we are speaking forth a building word in song. This word ministers life to believers!

Hearers get imparted with the Grace of God which enables them to hold Christ as the Head of the Body for our enjoyment as well as the consummating of The New Jerusalem!!!

Thanh Le

San Francisco, California, United States

Christ’riches are Himself which are dispensed into the church and then becoming the fullness-expression of God. Praise the Lord, we, your Body, are your fullness within and your expression without!

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

The intrinsic growth of the church is the growth in the divine life, which is the processed and dispensing TG!!


United States

All these riches have already been given to us in Christ. We learn of them in the Word. We are directed to be busy about the Father's work of the kingdom. We take of His riches by faith as we have need, boldly going to the throne of grace and asking for help. Look for them in the Word. They are already yours in Christ.

Elizabeth Martin

Fullerton, California

Lord how we thank You for Your riches, whichYou give to us every morning. We thank you that You are Your riches and when we come to You, You give us a good measure, an abundant measure which is running over!