One new man is the Father’s plan

Cs625 E1230
Audio Player
One new man is the Father’s plan;
He redeemed us from the sons of men.
Every kindred, tribe and tongue,
In Himself He called us to be one.
God’s expression on the earth
Now reveals His glorious worth.
One new man is the Father’s plan;
He redeemed us from the sons of men.
On the cross ordinances slain,
That He might form just one of twain.
Reconciling us to God,
Thus on the serpent’s head He trod.
He breaks down the middle wall
As upon His name we call;
On the cross ordinances slain,
That He might form just one of twain.
For this cause Your Person, Lord,
We take and stand in one accord;
All the members self forsake,
And of the Body-Christ partake.
We in Christ as one new man
Now come forth to take this land.
For this cause Your Person, Lord,
We take and stand in one accord.
Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Praise the Lord!

We all must grow up into Christ in all things, let Him grow in us, and do everything in oneness with Him and out from Him, and we will bring forth the one new man. This one new man is what God is after, and this one new man will usher in the kingdom of God and will bring Christ, the king, back to this earth. Hallelujah 😀


Texas, United States

"Believers with different backgrounds and nationalities have been created into one new man. In the new man there is oneness because Christ is all and in all." (Life-study of Colossians)

Christi Lo

Auckland, New Zealand

In the one new man, there is only one person, CHRIST!

Oh Lord, bring us all into the reality of the One New Man.


Thank You Lord


on the cross

Cody Enderli

San Marcos, TX, United States

He breaks down the Middle Wall!

One New Man is the FATHER’S PLAN!


Iraqia, Andorra

Praise the Lord!

Angie M

Warren, MI, United States

O Lord, gain the one new man in practicality one this earth!!! We give ourselves for this!

He breaks down the middle wall

As upon His name we call.

Thank You Lord that You break down the middle wall—not by our calling—but by our calling, our enjoying You!

Piano Hymns