搜索 76
E951 Christ is coming! let creation 經典詩歌
E836 Christ is made the sure foundation 經典詩歌
E277 Christ the Savior hath ascended 經典詩歌
E277b Christ the Savior hath ascended (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E1032 Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched 經典詩歌
E34 Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us 經典詩歌
E33 Father, long before creation 經典詩歌
E321 Full salvation! Full salvation 經典詩歌
E9 Glory be to God 經典詩歌
E186 Glory be to Him who loved us 經典詩歌
E26 God, we praise Thee for Thy mercy 經典詩歌
E391b Guide me, O Thou gracious Savior (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E119 Hallelujah, He is risen 經典詩歌
E691 Hark! the voice of love and mercy 經典詩歌
E1089 Lamb of God so pure and spotless 經典詩歌
E140 Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious 經典詩歌
E602 O how glorious! O how holy 經典詩歌
E60 Of the Father's love begotten 經典詩歌
E143 On His Father's throne is seated 經典詩歌
E8198 People in the world still see You 經典詩歌
E124 Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor 經典詩歌
NS1069 Serve Him! 新歌
E8191 Unto Him who loves us ever 經典詩歌
E1174 What a victory! What a triumph 經典詩歌
C198 世人看你不過仍是 經典詩歌