People in the world still see You

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People in the world still see You
As a common Nazarene;
While on earth, You were despisèd,
And with death at Calvary,
From man’s view Your story’s finished,
Ever so conclusively.
But how diff’rent the reaction
In the heav’ns, at Your ascent.
Glorious God, for Your obedience,
Did the universe direct
To prepare to welcome, praise You,
As the universe’s Head.
God already has appointed
You as Christ, as Lord of all;
Now all those in heav’n and Sheol
Your uniqueness know full well;
Not a one can keep from bowing
And submitting to Your will.
How can I be so familiar
With the scene so far on high?
God, as proof, sent down His Spirit,
Thus this fact to verify;
He’s become the gift within me,
Christ’s dominion proved thereby.
Spirit in me, manifested,
Jesus’ Christhood proof affords;
If God’s Christ indeed is Jesus,
On me, too, the Spirit’s poured.
Fact eternal, fixed and constant,
That the Nazarene is Lord!
He is Lord! The Lord is Jesus!
An eternal, changeless fact!
And the Spirit’s poured out on me;
This gift also is a fact.
Now I can but praise and bless Him
For His gift that now does act.