搜索 27
E8734 Cleansed from sin and stain, flesh cast off in full 經典詩歌
E1252 Down in Babylon, in captivity 經典詩歌
E787 I must tell Jesus all of my trials 經典詩歌
E8572 I must tell Jesus all of my trials (revised) 經典詩歌
E1144 In the Word of old, we are clearly told 經典詩歌
E558 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms 經典詩歌
NS922 Listen, O stranger, road-weary traveler 新歌
E8463 Take the cross with joy, walk the narrow way 經典詩歌
E276 What a blessed fact! What a tiding glad 經典詩歌
E331 Will your anchor hold in the storms of life 經典詩歌
Cs251 喫喝基督,成為新婦 經典詩歌(補充本)
Cs503 回耶路撒冷 經典詩歌(補充本)
C406 安息安息 經典詩歌
C572 我所有苦況必須告 經典詩歌
C222 接受接受憑信接受 經典詩歌
C463 流露流露 經典詩歌
C734 罪惡全洗淨 經典詩歌
T558 Anong tamis ng pagsalamuha Classic (Filipino)
S383 Bajo la Babel, en cautividad 經典詩歌(西班牙語)
T1144 Biblia'y nagsaad, tao'y nilikha Classic (Filipino)
T787 Kay Hesus ay dapat kong sabihin Classic (Filipino)
F64 L'ancre de ta vie est-elle fixée 經典詩歌(法語)
T276 O pinagpalang katotohanan Classic (Filipino)
P281 Oh! que comunhão, gozo divinal 經典詩歌(葡萄牙語)
P145 Oh! que fato bom! Nova singular 經典詩歌(葡萄牙語)