搜索 1634
S-T-E-A-D-F-A-S-T 兒童
E679 Safe in the arms of Jesus 經典詩歌
E315 Saved to the uttermost, I am the Lord's 經典詩歌
NS405 Saying, Where is He 新歌
E130 See the Conqu'ror mount in triumph 經典詩歌
NS786 Seeking the Dazzling One 新歌
E926b Send Thou, O Lord, to every place (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
NS85 Set your mind on the things that are above 新歌
E1122 Seven Spirits of our God 經典詩歌
LB12s Señor te amo a Ti 新歌
NS591 Shepherd the Flock 新歌
LB22 Shepherd, receive man 新歌
NS230 Simply loving everyday 新歌
E569 Simply trusting every day 經典詩歌
NT1222 Sing aloud your praises to the Lord of all 新調
E648 Soldier, soldier, fighting in the world's great strife 經典詩歌
NS192 Some, these days, would tell us that our Jesus is not food 新歌
E547 Something every heart is loving 經典詩歌
NS219 Sometimes we're caught in a world full of baits 新歌
E1189 Son of Man, Son of Man on the throne today 經典詩歌
NS216 Speak to me, Lord every day 新歌
NS738 Speak to the rock who was smitten for our full salvation 新歌
E250 Spring up, well, with water 經典詩歌
E8201 Spring up, well, with water (revised) 經典詩歌
E870 Stand up! stand up for Jesus 經典詩歌