搜索 185
NS324 Jesus is the Lord, and He lives in me 新歌
E506 Jesus lives! thy terrors now 經典詩歌
E504 Jesus, I live to Thee 經典詩歌
NS1038 Let the Amen Sound Again 新歌
E363 Lord, I would have Thyself in all Thy beauty 經典詩歌
E6429 Lord, You Have Come to Me 經典詩歌
NS332 Lord, You have searched me and You have known me 新歌
E1132 Lord, teach us how to pray 經典詩歌
E746 Lord, teach us to discern the spirit 經典詩歌
E508 Made free! Made free! O captive 經典詩歌
E742 Man is a being of three parts 經典詩歌
May your spirit and your soul 兒童
E985 No more in earthen vessels 經典詩歌
E87 O Lord! When we the path retrace 經典詩歌
E745 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now (mingling) 經典詩歌
E501 O glorious Christ, Savior mine 經典詩歌
E501b O glorious Christ, Savior mine (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E602 O how glorious! O how holy 經典詩歌
NS994 Oh, how good it is to enjoy Christ 新歌
E500 Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength 經典詩歌
E6822 Once I was an empty man 經典詩歌
E502 Once I was dead in sin 經典詩歌
E1196 Our God is living—say, Hallelujah 經典詩歌
NS144 Our spirit is our organ to receive God 新歌
E925 Outreach of the glorious gospel 經典詩歌