And can it be that I should gain
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
So nice to sing this song, I enjoy how the voice parts are harmonizedMake me holy as You! Longings
We will rise up and build! Spirits stirred up, hearts filled, We love You and we give all to build Your house!There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Hidden friend with a very strong presence O how I love Him always there rain or shine I love you Lord JesusThere shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
LORD let your showers of blessings be bestowed upon me and my family in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏🙏King of my life, I crown Thee now Praise of the Lord
Nothing casual - Jesus alone. He is indeed the Light of the world. We love Him because he first loved us.... Bought with a great price.…
How God's heart yearns for fair 'Salem
O my Belov’d, I’ll follow anywhere; Glorious King, all my heart’s Thine fore’er. ❤️My faith has found a resting place Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Indeed it is enough Jesus died and that he died for me.I know not why God's wondrous grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
There are time on this journey that all we can say is, I know in whom I have believed into. And I know that no matter what happens good or…Hear my song, wondrous love Gospel
"In your heart, in your mouth" The simplicity of faith. The just shall live by faith and draw nigh to this boundless love.Do you know that you were chosen Gospel
Did you know God has a family? Yes, He does, in fact, it’s us!
Blessed assurance
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
it just takes me one two minutes after hearing a song or two to get in the right frame of mind for …There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Hidden friend with a very strong presence O how I love Him always there rain or shine I love you Lord JesusOh tell me, what's the key Experience of Christ
Don’t trust ! Don’t trust! Circumstance It is a chance to get more God into us! Hallelujah!!! Just love Him spend time alone with Him talk…O blessed Savior, is Thy love Praise of the Lord
Lord grant us a love like this, that we would fain (treasure greatly, pleasure greatly) to have our thoughts, and heart and lives engaged…Jesus, the name high over all Praise of the Lord
Thanks Steven Miller for the two inserted stanzas before verse 5. They were most enjoyable. Praise the Lord for the name of Jesus.Day by day, and with each passing moment Comfort in Trials
What a gem! Thank you My church do not sing hymns anymore and my husband and I miss them…Faith of our fathers, living still The Church
We sang this when I was a child. How we need to be reminded TODAY!!! AMEN!!!Trust and Believe Encouragement
AmenMy hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Hallelujah So precious is my Saviour, So sure is my Achor. So perfect is His Blood So great is…Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night Gospel
Glory to God of heaven. I love this hymn.Eat God Experience of Christ
이 찬송 조아해요There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
LORD let your showers of blessings be bestowed upon me and my family in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏🙏I've seen the lightning flashing Comfort in Trials
Glory for promise, in all we're going through, Jesus will never leave us alone. His promise endureth for ever, from generation to…Lord, keep my heart always true to You Consecration
I love this song! Lord, keep my heart always true to you. Amen! 🙂😇