Our Christ is so enjoyable

Audio Player
Our Christ is so enjoyable,
His life is so applicable;
He lives in us to cause the flow
To reach the world, His life to show.
Oh saints, don’t just sit idly by;
Rise up! Your gift do not despise;
Let’s eat and drink of this sweet Christ!
Let’s enjoy Christ to reach the goal,
Partake of Him to beat the foe,
All His vast riches we extol,
Yes, we are freed from every woe!
We may not know a lot of things,
But we are kept from Satan’s stings
By eating Christ, and Christ alone!
We all can do so many things,
But first of all to Christ we’ll cling;
Enjoy Him, blessings then He’ll bring,
His life-supply means everything!
Enjoy Him—grace He will bestow,
And we’ll be led to join the flow;
Yes, we will do all things in Him.
Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Thank You Lord Jesus for being such a rich One to us! Keep us enjoying You in all things! Praise the Lord 😀


Davis, United States

To Christ we cling!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Let's enjoy Christ!


Irving, TX

After reading the Bible I opened an email a sister sent me and this was exactly what I needed to enjoy the Loving, Living Christ. Lord keep us clinging to You, Eating and Drinking You.


United States

Somebody sent me this song when I was struggling in a very difficult situation. But whatever our situation is, don't believe the lie from the enemy that Christ isn't real. On the contrary, He is SOOOO enjoyable, and His life is SOOOO applicable!!! I just want to say, PRAISE THE LORD!


New Zealand

I really like this song... "we may not know a lot of things, but we are kept from Satan's stings by eating Christ, and Christ alone!" saints, we just need to eat Christ!!