Our Condition to God’s Heart’s Desire

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Our condition was dead in offenses,
To the flesh we were enslaved.
But together with Christ Jesus He has raised us,
By His grace we have been saved. [Eph. 2:2-6]

God, Your mercy and Your love have reached us,
You have made us alive.
By Your Spirit entering our spirit,
In Your life we’ve been revived. [Eph. 2:4-5]
We were once far off but have become near
In the blood of the dear Son.
In His flesh abolished all the ordinances,
Thus creating two as one. [Eph. 2:13, 15]

We have access directly to the Father
Through Christ Jesus, our Lord
In one Spirit, whether Jew or Gentile,
Fellowship has been restored. [Eph. 2:18]
Make the prayer that Paul had in Ephesians
The prayer in our daily plan.
Father strengthen us with power through Your Spirit,
Deep into the inner man. [Eph. 3:16]

Lord, keep spreading into every corner,
Lord, keep gaining each part.
We allow you to have the room within us.
Make Your home in all our heart. [Eph. 3:17]
Lord, Your riches are so unsearchable.
I can never comprehend.
But with all the saints in such a corporate church life
Your dimensions apprehend. [Eph. 3:8, 18-19]

By Your mercy, keep me in Your Body,
Taking the rich supply.
Through each member’s function in their measure
All the Body edify. [Eph. 4:16]
Deep within You is the greatest mystery,
One that countless men have searched.
But to us You have unveiled the revelation,
Now we see Christ and the church. [Eph. 5:32]

Lord, we’re wholly for Your heart’s desire—
Make Your church sanctified.
Through the washing in the pure word’s water
May You gain Your glorious Bride. [Eph. 5:25-26]
Jan Simpson

Orlando, Florida, United States

Once dead in offenses, but now Your glorious bride! Praise You Lord for Your eternal hearts desire and intention!


Rochester, NY

Wow! What a beautiful song! So full of the riches of the truth! I love the verse references next to each verse too!

Thank You, Lord, for unveiling the revelation to us, Christ and the Church!