Just one touch

Cs332 LB14 LSM182
Just one touch of You, dear Lord,
Just one look into Your eyes,
Just one kiss from You,
You’re all I need, my Love.

Let me hear again Your voice.
You are now my final choice.
Speak in love to me.
I’ll waste myself on Thee.
Nothing and no one can satisfy me
    but You anymore.
Jesus, I love You, my only desire.
Oh Lord, I just love You.
Let me touch You as before,
Craving for You more and more,
You’re the very best!
I’ll drop the rest for You.

Oh, the kisses of Your mouth
Make my lips to praise and shout.
Lord, You’re full of grace
Oh, what a taste my Love!
Nothing and no one can satisfy me
    but You anymore.
Jesus, my first Love, oh set me on fire
For You, my only desire.
Just infuse me with Your eyes.
Oh! This union satisfies!
As I gaze on You.
I’m filled with You, my Love.

Only You alone will do.
I can’t make it without You.
Keep me close to You,
Just joined to You as one.
Nothing and no one can satisfy me
    but You anymore.
Jesus, I love You, my only desire.
Oh, set my heart on fire.
I repent and now return,
Grant my heart for You to burn.
Flame in me this zeal.
Lord, be in me so real!

I repent and now return,
Grant my heart for You to burn.
Flame in me this zeal.
Lord, be in me so real!
Jesus, my first Love! Oh Jesus, my best Love,
    I now return to You.
Jesus, my first Love! Oh Jesus, my best Love,
I love You. I just love You!
lila arroyo

Mandaluyong, Philippines, Philippines

>This song recovered me from losing my first love to Him. I'm realy touched especially the last stanza bacause it shows me that repenting is the way to recover my first love. Lord, I lOVE You!!!!

Binbin Lu

Reading, United Kingdom

Thank the Lord for this hymn, I love it. Lord, I love You, thank You that I can turn to You and repent, and thank You for Your forgiveness. Lord, keep grant my heart and burn to You.


Manila, Philippines

I love You too Lord Jesus! Just one touch of You brings me to ecstacy!

christine joy

Manila, Philippines

I really love this song. It makes me remember my initial salvation, how the Lord touched me, and how sweetly He gazed at me! I want to experience Him moment by moment. I love You too, dear Lord Jesus!

Stellar Wang

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

I love it so much, especially the last stanza, which is really a good expression of my inner feeling toward the Lord. O Lord, yes I repent and now return. Grant my heart for You to burn. And burn for You forever and ever from now on with all the saints around the whole universe. Lord, praise You!

Vu Le Nguyen Linh

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

I really love this song! This song burn my love to the Lord again. Praise the Lord! I love Him because He first love me. His love draw me to Him. He is the only one can satisfy me!

Annie Punzalan

North Caloocan, NCR, Philippines

Truly, no one can ever love us the way the Lord does! His love is the best love in this world! O, Lord, I want to thank You, for coming into my life...please stay, and keep me.

Jane Otse

Lagos, Nigeria

Truly, nothing and no one can satisfy me. Lord Jesus, You are my deepest satisfaction. Keep us always repenting and returning always to You. Lord, You are my first, best and ONLY love. I love You. Amen!


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

i enjoyed this much with the brothers and sisters...with all the pain&hurt i feel its God compassion that touches me to always have faith on him in whatever circumstances in life...i dearly sumbit myself to you Oh Lord...Amen...


Cbba, Bolivia

Solo un toque del Seor......gracias Seor por este sitio, y gracias por los penatagramas.......