We have heard the joyful sound

C676 E991 K676 S461
We have heard the joyful sound:
  Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Spread the tidings all around:
  Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Bear the news to every land,
Climb the steeps and cross the waves;
Onward!—’tis our Lord’s command;
  Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Waft it on the rolling tide,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Tell to sinners far and wide,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Sing, ye islands of the sea,
Echo back, ye ocean caves;
Earth shall keep her jubilee,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
Sing above the battle’s strife,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
By His death and endless life,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Sing it softly thru the gloom,
When the heart for mercy craves,
Sing in triumph o’er the tomb,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
Give the winds a mighty voice,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Let the nations now rejoice.
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves;
Shout salvation full and free,
Highest hills and deepest caves,
This our song of victory,
  Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
Robert Tulloch

Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica

This is one of the greatest songs of all time. Glory to God Jesus Saves yes Jesus Saves.

Blondina Howes Jeffrey

Seaview Farm, Antigua And Barbuda

Sing in triumph o’er the tomb

Jesus Saves Jesus Saves. As I awoke this song was on my mind. Somehow couldn’t remember all the words. My sister and I joyed in singing this in the island of Montserrat. She passed from this life to be with her Lord last year. Sing in triumph o’er the tomb Jesus saves! Jesus saves! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Uchechi Glory

Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria

This song always and must surely comes to me every Easter period. Reminding me of Christ death and resurrection, giving me hope for His victory to mankind.


Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria

All through the night in my sleep I sang this song and when I woke up the song was still in my mouth. What a glorious song and day. I had a busy but less stressful day. I thank God, my wife says I should go and evangelize tell the good news about Jesus to others, that’s what the song is all about.

Gabriel Konayuma

Lusaka, Zambia

This song has been on my mind the last few days. We used to sing it at school. What a glorious message. Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Friend if you are not yet a Christian Jesus saves! Dear Christian friend let's make it our business to tell others that Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Peace Chisom

Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

This song just saved from fire outbreak I'm my home

Truly Jesus saves and He just saved me and my children

Davette Battle

Vineland, NJ, United States

Woke up this morning said a quick prayer and this song fell into my mind I needed to know the message God was conveying to me for today. THANKS A MILLION!

Ola Edward

Lagos, Ipaja, Nigeria

And there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty giveth him life. This song ministers to my spirit each time I listen to it

Marjorie Wells

Midlothian, Virginia, United States

This song has run through my mind for many years.

Dr. Rotimi Nihinlola

Kent, England, United Kingdom

Beautiful and moving! Thank you for uploading this song. Rarely song these days but conveying the truth and the powerful of the gospel simply but with strong force. "... salvation full and free..". very comforting .. price fully paid by the Lord Jesus. All we need is to just accept the free gift for salvation from sin and death. Hallelujah!. This is different from the false gospel common these days which still requires to meet certain conditions, fulfil requirements or pay a price to access God's blessings. But because of the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ alone we can shout V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!

Stanzas 3 and 4 are different and stanza 5 is added:

3. Cried the cross on Calv'ry's hill:

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Precious blood is speaking still:

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Jesus died, our judgment bore;

Rising, life to us He gave;

To the heav'ns with Him we soar.

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

4. 'Tis the gospel word in truth:

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

This, man's troubled heart can soothe:

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Weary ones find rest and peace;

Sorrowful, rejoice always;

Sinners, wait no longer, please;

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

5. Still proclaim this gospel word:

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Speak till all on earth have heard:

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Grace of God to all is giv'n,

E'en to those whose sins are grave.

Still I'll tell, though voice grows thin:

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!