The Great Physician now is near

C674 E990 K674
The Great Physician now is near,
  The sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
  Oh, hear the voice of Jesus!
Sweetest note in seraph song;
Sweetest name on mortal tongue;
Sweetest carol ever sung:
    Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Your many sins are all forgiv’n,
  Oh, hear the voice of Jesus;
The veil ’twixt you and God is riven,
  Redemption wrought by Jesus.
All glory to the dying Lamb!
  I now believe in Jesus;
I love the blessed Savior’s name,
  I love the name of Jesus.
His name dispels my guilt and fear,
  No other name but Jesus;
Oh, how my soul delights to hear
  The precious name of Jesus!
Mejane Evelyn

Douala, Littoral, Cameroon

Jesus is the sweetest name I know.

God bless you for this song


Abuja, Nigeria

Jesus the sweetest name ever! Hallelujah!!!

Yohanna Sani

Tunga Magajiya, Niger State, Nigeria

Jesus is indeed the great physician of all them

Patrick Ayodele

Lagos, Nigeria

Sweetest name really.

There could be no other name sweeter!

It's a great privilege to call upon this great name, Jesus, not minding our filthiness.

Kemi Onaks

Magboro, Ogun, Nigeria

God gave me this song in my dream this afternoon after the accident that occurred and I have the confidence that He alone is the greatest physician and will quicken our healing emotionally, physically, socially and financially in Jesus name. Ever faithful God. Thank you Jesus.

Aremu Charity

Omu-Aran, Kwara, Nigeria

I love the name Jesus.

This song in my Yoruba dialect confers strange healing message


Gwarinpa-Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria



Lagos, Nigeria

Thank you Jesus


Lagos, Nigeria

God I thank you for your son whom you send to die for me. My soul is redeem from destruction. Hallelujah

Wright Mwangangi

Kathonzweni, Makueni, Kenya

I have made many mistakes In life, but whenever I hear this song, whenever I open that SDA hymnal song book, whenever I reach the entrance door of our church in sabbath morning, I hear the tune of this song in my mind , the great physician... ,it relieves all the pain and guilty in my heart, it reminds me how sinful Iam, but Christ my great savior, chief of siñners though I be Jesus shared his blood for that I might not die, when I was supposed to die He gave me life

Revised version:

1. The Great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus;

Sin's wounds, exhaustion disappear—

Draw quickly near to Jesus.

Jesus bore the cross for you,

Your sins' heavy burden, too;

Now He wants to heal you;

Quickly come to Jesus.

2. Your many sins are all forgiv'n,

If you will come to Jesus!

When conscience smites, you'll peace be giv'n

When you draw near to Jesus!

3. Corrupted nature, sin-stained heart,

All find their cure in Jesus;

All weakness, sighs, disease depart,

When you draw near to Jesus.

4. Man's life is gloomy, painful, dry;

Why not draw near to Jesus?

The living water He'll supply;

Oh, come draw near to Jesus!

5. Now healed and full released I am,

For I've received Christ Jesus;

All glory to the smitten Lamb!

I now believe in Jesus.

Jesus' bonds have set me free;

Jesus' wounds have healed me;

Jesus' death brought life to me;

Jesus! I have Jesus!

6. My gracious Savior's name's so dear;

The name I love is Jesus!

Dispelling misery, so near,

No other name but Jesus!

Fragrant name—saints' praises ring!

Honored name—the angels sing!

Name excelling, all-supreme:

Jesus! Precious Jesus!

7. When I'm that day to Him brought near,

Brought face to face with Jesus,

E'en more I'll glorify and cheer:

O Jesus! Precious Jesus!