“Must I go, and empty-handed,”
Thus my dear Redeemer meet?
Not one day of service give Him,
Lay no trophy at His feet?
“Must I go, and empty-handed?”
Must I meet my Savior so?
Not one soul with which to greet Him:
Must I empty-handed go?
Not at death I shrink nor falter,
For my Savior saves me now;
But to meet Him empty-handed,
Thought of that now clouds my brow.
“Must I go, and empty-handed?”
Must I meet my Savior so?
Not one soul with which to greet Him:
Must I empty-handed go?
O the years in sinning wasted;
Could I but recall them now,
I would give them to my Savior,
To His will I’d gladly bow.
“Must I go, and empty-handed?”
Must I meet my Savior so?
Not one soul with which to greet Him:
Must I empty-handed go?
O ye saints, arouse, be earnest,
Up and work while yet ’tis day;
Ere the night of death o’ertake thee,
Strive for souls while still you may.
“Must I go, and empty-handed?”
Must I meet my Savior so?
Not one soul with which to greet Him:
Must I empty-handed go?
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Kaduna, Nigeria
I can't stop crying when this song keeps reminding me that I will MEET my Saviour one day how will it be that I have been born again since but I don't have any soul to meet Him with. OH GOD SHOW ME MERCY.
Jos, Plateau, Nigeria
"Must I go, and empty-handed" is a classical hymn with an eternal message so strong and powerful. It makes me think deep knowing that I will someday soon give account of my journey on earth.
God bless the composer!
Hartsville, TN, United States
Oh what a strong and powerful song of conviction to believers. How we have lost the appetite to go out and "preach the gospel" as Christ commanded us to do. The song is now considered 'old fashioned' and does not even appear in most hymnals but the message is so vivid. AW Tozer did a short piece on "spiritual warfare" which describes many professing Christians in today's time. We as followers of Christ must awaken and preach the simple gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the world. Time is short and the lost are all around us. Praise God for allowing me to see this beautiful song again and praise God for the men and women preaching His word to all peoples of this earth. May GOD bless each of you abundantly for your willingness and faithfulness. I am blessed by the response of some of the messages people have left about this song / message.
Mbaise, Imo, Nigeria
Must I Go Empty Handed? This Hymn brought a turning point in my life. Tears amidst joy because am alive to serve my God and not dead in ignorance or sin.
Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria
This song has touched my life so many times especially each when I reflect on the circumstance under which this song was composed. A sick man who was confirmed by medical doctors that he was to die in a couple of hours; and on that sick bed awaiting death, an evangelist came and preached the word of God to him and he gave his life to Christ, but it was too late for him to render services to God because he was just at the gate of death. Out of his regrets and remorse he wept 'must I go an empty handed, not one day of service to give my saviour'. The good thing however is that he did not eventually go empty handed because this his song has led to winning of many souls for Christ. The question is rather for you and I 'must you, must I go an empty handed'? Let's talk about this when we meet by and by.
Aba, Abia, Nigeria
This hymn moves my nerves to the work of soul winning! I need great passion for souls.
Port Harcourt, River, Nigeria
This song must I go and empty handed, is a touching song that can melt a Stony heart, it moved me for personal evangelism because it reminds me of eternity, a day will come when we shall meet our savior, are we going to meet him with nothing.
Every believer must know that a day of judgement is coming, it could come now unannounced, what will be our report to our creator? May God help us to meet Him prepared Amen.
Upper Darby, PA, United States
This wonderful song on evangelism deeply touched me and the entire Church emotionally as I preached on personal evangelism. I sang this song for almost two hours in tears before the service commenced. Ruminate over the wordings! Yes a crown of fruitfulness await us in Heaven as we greet the Master with the souls we won here. I pray you never go to Heave barren. we have every opportunity to embark on personal which is the easiest and simplest way of winning souls these days.
Abuja, FCT, Nigeria
Must I go, and empty-handed, reminds me of life after death, may we not go back to Him with an empty hand, and may He gives us the grace to win souls for kingdom in JESUS NAME.
Austin, TX, United States
Whenever I preached on evangelism, this is the song I sing with the Church. I always shed tears. The song is very touching. I pray all that sing this song will go out for soul winning. You will not have rest until you win souls for the Master Jesus, amen.
If Jesus tarries His coming, we shall meet again.
Jesus is the answer to your problems, amen.