Fight the battle in the Body

C637 CB885 E885 G885 K637 P415 R636 S398
Fight the battle in the Body,
  Never fight it on your own;
With the Body to the Head joined,
  Fight the battle on the throne.
Fight the battle in the Body!
  By the virtue of the Head;
Standing firmly with the Body,
    Into vict’ry you’ll be led.
For the Body is God’s armor,
  Not for anyone alone;
When you wrestle in the Body,
  All its benefits you own.
’Tis the Church on Christ established
  Satan shall not overpow’r;
’Tis the Body built together
  Which resists the evil pow’r.
In the Body, by the Headship,
  Sitting in the heavenlies,
Struggle with the wicked spirits
  And the principalities.
As a member of the Body,
  With the brethren stand for God;
Praying always in the Spirit,
  Claim the vict’ry through the Blood.
In the heav’nlies more than conqu’ror,
  In the power of His might,
As a soldier in the army,
  In the Lord the battle fight.
Keep on wrestling in the Body,
  Mighty vict’ry you will see,
Bind and loose, God’s will fulfilling,
  And the foes your food will be.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Daniel Lee

Davis, CA, United States

I am on the way for family training to Bay area. We are enjoying this hymn in Ben. We fight in the body.


Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Our Lord is moving to Europe now. Bless those who are going with all the spiritual blessings! Our fighting is not by our own, but in the Body on the throne. Lord! You have already won the victory, we are fighting by Your virtues to dethrone Your enemy!!!



Standing together with the Body in ascension. Being one with the Lord in our living and in His intercession, ministry and administration.

Erina Morrison

New Zealand

How true saints let us stand in oneness, and one accord, proclaiming His victory! Now the God of peace crush will crush satan under our feet shortly. The grace of The Lord Jesus be with us, amen.

Piano Hymns