I’ve found the One of peerless worth (revised)

C388 D510 E8388 F93 G510 K388 P250 R368 S232 T510
I’ve found the One of peerless worth,
  My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ I have:
  Oh, what a Christ have I!
My Christ, He is the Lamb of God,
  Who full salvation brings;
He is the Sun of Righteousness,
  With healing in His wings.
My Christ, He is the Tree of Life
  With fruit abundant, sweet;
My hunger He doth satisfy;
  Of Him I daily eat.
My Christ, He is the smitten Rock
  Whence living waters burst;
He is the fountain in my heart
  Which quenches all my thirst.
Christ is my life, my light, my way,
  My comfort and my health,
My peace, my rest, my joy, my hope,
  My glory, and my wealth.
Christ is my wisdom and my pow’r,
  My boast and righteousness,
My vict’ry and redemption sure,
  My truth and holiness.
Christ is my Savior, Shepherd, Lord,
  My Advocate above,
My Counselor, my Father, God,
  My Brother, Friend, and Love.
Christ is my Captain and my Guard,
  My Teacher and my Guide,
My Bridegroom, Master, and my Head;
  In me doth He reside.
Christ’s my Commander, Pioneer;
  He leads, fights, cuts the way;
My Watch, Escort, Attendant, He
  Protects, guides, cares alway.
Christ is my Prophet, Priest, and King;
  My Prophet full of sight;
My Priest who stands ’twixt me and God,
  My King who rules with might.
Christ is the Author of my faith,
  And its Perfecter too,
My Mediator, Guarantee,
  And faithful Witness true.
Christ is my everlasting home,
  My all-sufficient land,
My fortress, tower, hiding place,
  And my eternal stand.
Christ is my Sabbath and new moon,
  My morning and my day,
My age and my eternity
  That ne’er will pass away.
Christ is my rich and fertile soil,
  Spring rain, sweet morning dew;
In Him I as a branch abide;
  He is my vine most true.
Christ is my trust and my desire,
  In comeliness replete,
My satisfaction and delight,
  Who all my need doth meet.
My Christ, the all-inclusive One,
  My Christ, what shall I call?
He is the first, He is the last,
  My Christ is All in all.
Since such a treasure I possess,
  My heart doth sing for joy;
And I must sing and sing again;
  Oh, what a Christ have I!

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.