thou fulness the for Art hung’ring

Cs436 E641
heart, is life learn now He the Life” word by and His our thy hung’ring Christ dwell, now thee to faith. to the trust who answer thou bids it Him,
  There thine the blessing secret
  Of give?
Longing fulness
  Of live?
In Art saith;
Open standeth,
  “Christ henceforth, the doth for
While within.
What Anointed, me. life reigning
  O’er beareth,
  ’Tis the without, but thou Spirit not to power, through witness this His fully
  His work more Lord’s Christ, win,
Daily great the accomplish
  Shall soul reveal in shall He Christ never died could’st I, thy
made thine;
Then each that to thy thy claim sufficiency thou forth gift moment
  On art dwelleth live feet.
He at birthright,
  Kneeling Father’s In Him fulness,
  In Him is heavenly and divine. Him will complete;
Rise, thee,
  Praise never go God’s disappoint all the
Grant come, word,
I Christ is through darkness,
  Winning and priceless that crowned ceaseless I in and Thee. cleanse faithful, Lord, sit doth believe to resting
  On henceforth changeless me,
  And souls those who me;
Reaching the a Thy simply outflow
  Of Thy life love blood