Lord, in Thy presence

C553 CB764 E764 G764 K553 P351 R511 S326 T764
Lord, in Thy presence silent I would be,
That in the inmost I to Thee may come;
I would not in my own way pray to Thee,
But let Thy prayer in me my prayer become.
It seems Thou art in heaven hearing me,
But right within my spirit Thou dost dwell;
It seems that I am praying unto Thee,
But really from Thyself the prayers do well.
When, Lord, no words my burden can express,
My spirit with Thy Spirit deeply groans;
Not verbally I then my plea address,
But Thou dost pray within with words unknown.
I would inhale Thee, Lord, e’en as I breathe,
And eat and drink Thee as my life supply.
A deeper fellowship with Thee bequeath
That Thou express Thyself through me thereby.
Here in this fellowship Thy light doth shine,
Thy precious blood doth cleanse and make me clean;
May I not only, Lord, Thy light enshrine,
But may Thou be expressed and clearly seen.
Thy oil anoints me here in every way,
Anointing Thee within unceasingly;
I more decrease, Thou more increase each day,
Thus full expression Thou shalt have through me.
Myself I open that Thou may flow in;
Op’ning myself to others, Lord, flow out;
By such a stream, the fellowship within,
Thou, Lord, expressed will be my life throughout.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Lord, I open myself to you to have a deeper felowship of your presence to flow and express yourself through me. I love you Lord Jesus ❤️

David Choi

San Jose, CA, United States

with “words unknown” -stz 3

Thy oil anoints me “here” -stz 6

these phrases were full of His presence to me!


Laguna Hills, California, United States

I love this hymn so much. God and man mingling as one. We pray, but it is really Him praying in us. What sweet fellowship of 2 becoming one, so one that you could breathe Him in and flow Him out.



Still a hidden gem of a hymn as illustrated by the fact there are only a few comments on this hymn. Brother Lee's hymn unveils to us the inner experience of Christ in prayer. Once we stop our talk, our busyness of mind and even our own prayer and let the Lord rise from within our spirit to pray His prayer, the prayer of God, then we shall be ushered into the realm of Christ as the new man. Oh Lord gain this kind of prayer in your recovery today for the producing and building up of the one new man. Praise the Lord!

Stephen Bellingham

Irvine, California, United States

This is a wonderful hymn on experiencing the Lord in our prayer. I especially like stanza 7. Lord, flow in and flow out! Be my life throughout.

Rebecca Berglund

Salem, Oregon, United States

I have just discovered this pearl of a hymn. It speaks of the meaning of prayer. It speaks of expressing God. What other way than prayer? I recommend also typing hymn number 767 into the search bar of hymnal.net for a wonderful hymn on dominion. In these two hymns we can see the two crucial words in Genesis, IMAGE AND DOMINION. The very purpose of God in creating man is uttered in Genesis 1:26, and we see in these two hymns, 764 and 767, God's way to gain His image and dominion in us, by way of our being blended with Him through His prayer in us. How marvelous!