God’s intention is to have us

B406 C546 CB750 E750 F137 G750 K546 LSM229 P350 R507 S323 T750
God’s intention is to have us
  All conformed to His dear Son;
Thus a work of transformation
  By the Spirit must be done.
Lord, transform us to Thine image
  In emotion, mind, and will;
Saturate us with Thy Spirit,
    All our being wholly fill.
God hath us regenerated
  In our spirit with His life;
But He must transform us further—
  In our soul by His own life.
Spreading outward from our spirit
  Doth the Lord transform our soul,
By the inward parts renewing,
  Till within His full control.
By the power of His Spirit
  In His pattern He transforms;
From His glory to His glory
  To His image He conforms.
He transforms, all sanctifying,
  Till like Him we are matured;
He transforms, our soul possessing,
  Till His stature is secured.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Robert Maniaci

North Fort Myers, FL, United States

Lord, transform us to Thine image

In emotion, mind, and will;

Saturate us with Thy Spirit,

All our being wholly fill.


Lagos, Ojo, Nigeria

Oh, Lord, may your intentions be fulfilled in my mind, emotions & will till I come to be with You!

Catherine Cargill

Dieppe, France

Oh Lord Oh Lord ….

Lord, transform us to Thine image

In emotion, mind, and will;

Saturate us with Thy Spirit,

All our being wholly fill.

Amen amen

Jeff Hall

Church In Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

We are being transformed and matured in oness as one body in, by, and through Christ. who is our pathway to the Father..... Lord work your will in all the saints!!!


Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Amen! Lord transform us to thine image

In emotion mind and will

Saturate us with your spirit

All our being whole fill.

Happy Lord's day! , saints

May the Lord fill all His saints



St Paul, MN, United States

God’s intention is amazing!


Manukau, New Zealand

Amen Lord, transform us to Thine image, In emotion, mind, and will;

Saturate us with Thy Spirit, All our being wholly fill.


Auckland, New Zealand

The Lord will saturate our mind emotion and will!


Lord carry out your transformation work within us daily. May our emotion, mind, and will be fully saturated with you.


Auckland, New Zealand

Saturate us with Thy Spirit! Fill our whole being!

Much of what I have spoken and written since 1963 has been concerning the eight sections of God's organic salvation. For example, regarding Christ, Hymns, #501 says, "All things of the Father are Thine; / All Thou art in Spirit is mine; / The Spirit makes Thee real to me, / That Thou experienced might be." All that the Father has is the Son's, and all that the Son possesses is in the Spirit, who brings everything into us so that it becomes real to us for our experience. Hymns, #750 concerns transformation. It is brief, dear, and to the point. We have seen these things in the past but never as completely and wholly as we do now. The Lord has given us a complete picture of what He is doing.

The Lord also promised the faithful ones at Pergamos that He would give them a white stone on which a new name is written (Rev. 2:17). If we do not follow the worldly church but enjoy the Lord in the proper church life, we will be transformed into stones for the building of God. There are millions of Christians today, but it is difficult to see any one of them built up together with others. We are not built up with others because we all have our peculiar traits. This is why there are many separations and divorces among husbands and wives. The husband and wife cannot be built up together because of their peculiar traits.

In like manner, we cannot be built up together in the church life because of our peculiarities. We all have our particular, peculiar traits. This is why we need to be transformed. It would be helpful for us to sing the following hymn (Hymns, #750) on transformation with our heart and with our spirit.


We need such transformation. Then we will no longer be natural, and we will be able to be built up together. God desires a house, not individual pieces of material. God wants all the individual material to be built together to be His house, to be His Body. Therefore, today our urgent need is to be transformed.

Before we were saved, we were merely physical beings in a physical world, but one day Jesus visited us privately in a spiritual way. We received Him and He regenerated us privately, secretly, and spiritually with God's divine life. From that day we became spiritual, but just partially, in our spirit. The rest of our entire being still remained untransformed in the physical world. Stanza 2 of Hymns, #750 says: 'God hath us regenerated / In our spirit with His life; / But He must transform us further—/ In our soul by His own life.' After regeneration God works to transform our untransformed part, our soul.

Romans 12:2 says that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. The mind is the main part of our soul. The second part is the emotion, and the third is the will. To transform us is to metabolically change our soul. Verse 2 and the chorus of hymn #750 (Hymns) say:

God hath us regenerated

In our spirit with His life;

But He must transform us further—

In our soul by His own life.

Lord, transform us to Thine image

In emotion, mind, and will;

Saturate us with Thy Spirit,

All our being wholly fill.

First, God regenerated us and now He is transforming us by the renewing of our mind, emotion, and will.

Piano Hymns