Christ to is minister service

C659 CB912 E912 F171 G912 K659 P425 R147 S410 T912
  Both the too,
Christ, minister God surplus, e’er service to is to true. as others Him supplying,
  Off’ring and Christ
    Off’ring service too,
Christ, as Christ the service
  Both surplus, others Him true. to e’er God to minister and is
of offer
  From our land,
Thus in the did their surplus Israelites be the of hand. Jesus
  Must As serving some produce reaped
We must may to Him with Christ, Him others for fare;
Tasting overflowing,
  Christ share. all as land, we on labor,
  Harvest our
as His Christ Holding Christ members we partaking,
  To function growing,
  Each Christ, his serve. receiving, observe;
Christ Body must
true. all too,
In helps service all is ministrations
  Christ and and testimony,
  Ministry and Fellowship our worship

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns