Sweet Will of God

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My stubborn will at last hath yielded;
I would be Thine, and Thine alone,
And this the prayer my lips are bringing,
“Lord, let in me Thy will be done.”
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer,
Till I am wholly lost in Thee;
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer,
  Till I am wholly lost in Thee.
I’m tired of sin, footsore and weary,
The darksome path hath dreary grown,
But now a light has ris’n to cheer me;
I find in Thee my Star, my Sun.
Thy precious will, O conqu’ring Savior,
Doth now embrace and compass me;
All discords hushed, my peace a river,
My soul a prisoned bird set free.
Shut in with Thee, O Lord, forever,
My wayward feet no more to roam;
What pow’r from Thee my soul can sever?
The center of God’s will my home.
Melissa Gibson

This song is a prayer from heart. My sincere desire is to be more and more like God. To be wolly God’s and God alone.

Willa Valencia

Valdosta, GA, United States

I heard this hymn in 1948 as a junior in a Christian college and never since. But it lodged itself in my heart and I recalled most of the words. The Holy Spirit has caused me to sing it many times and to remain wholly surrendered to the Lord.

Akobe Oluwatosin Daniel

Abuja, Nigeria

I listened to this song in church today and I was lost .. I kept singing within my heart... I couldn't stop hearing the echo of the melody of this song.. I resorted to listen to it over and over and my tears couldn't just help but join in singing.. I'm blessed!

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

We are imprisoned when we are going against God's will. Our soul is imprisoned when we refuse take God's way. God's way is for us to come to Him and drink! To believe into Him.

John 6:28

Then they said to Him, What shall we do that we may work the works of God?

John 6:29

Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God, that you believe into Him whom He has sent.

Lileth Sharpe

New York, NY, United States

Every morning I wake up with a song in my heart. This morning, this was the song that God laid upon me as I knelt to pray. I knew the chorus since I was a child from my Baptist upbringing in Clarendon Jamaica, but never knew the words of the verses. Thank God for giving mankind the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to create modern technology.

This morning I finally learnt the words after over fifty years.


St. Catherine, Jamaica

I awoke this morning with this song in my head. I have not heard it sung in ages, only to awake with it. I know it’s the Holy Spirit that has placed it in my heart because of what I am saying to the Lord.

Dawn Citto

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Sweet Will, Amen - what a sweet WILL..

Fold me Closer, till I am wholly Lost in Thee....

No power can sever us - The Center of Gods will my home!!

Sam Kutondo

Toronto, ON, Canada

What an inspiring song! what a prayer! what a wholehearted commitment! Lord let thy sweet will be done in my life!


Nottingham, United Kingdom

"Lord, let in me Thy will be done!"

Frank Alcamo

Oceanside, NY, United States

I love this song. What a precious prayer. God help us to live the words of this beautiful song.