Come, Thou Fount of every blessing

B187 C250 CB319 E319 K250 LSM77 R69 T319
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
  Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
  Call for songs of loudest praise.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
  Wand’ring from the face of God;
He, to save my soul from danger,
  Interposed His precious blood.
O to grace how great a debtor
  Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,
  Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee.
Teach me, Lord, some rapturous measure,
  Meet for me Thy grace to prove,
While I sing the countless treasure
  Of my God’s unchanging love.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;
  Prone to leave the God I love:
Take my heart, oh, take and seal it
  With Thy Spirit from above.
Rescued thus from sin and danger,
  Purchased by the Savior’s blood,
May I walk on earth a stranger,
  As a son and heir of God.
Ma. Dolores FloresNoriega

Mexico, Querètaro, Mexico

Pls. I need Spanish music.

Mrs. Underwood

Bonham, Texas, United States

LOVE this song!!! Martin Luther knows how to write a song!!!!

Areola John bayo

Ogbomoso, Oyo, Nigeria

The lyrics are very deep, oh Lord help me to concentrate and looking up to You to the very end, whatever it may cost me I want to see You face to face without blemish, Amen.


Sydney, Australia

O love that will not let me go.

I rest my weary soul in Thee

I give Thee back the life I owe

That in Thine ocean depths it's flow

May richer fuller be....Praise You GOD


Ca, United States

Was having a rough morning and when I got to church almost left. I have loved this song for the last year and never thought I would hear it at church because it's so old. But there it was playing and I stayed for a great sermon.

Dennis Miller

Fort Mill, SC, United States

I also woke to some of the words to this hymn this morning. Wow, how great is our God.

Sherrilynn Tolliver

Capitol Heights, Maryland, United States

I awoke early this morning with a few words from the title of this hymn and the melody playing in my spirit. I had only heard this hymn a few times in my life. I have been feeling detached from God. This hymn reminds me to remember the grace and mercy He shows me everyday and to SEEK Him. One of the most beautiful hymns I have heard.

Virginia Bernstein

Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Thank you so much. Belong to a small church with no organist but several singers. This has been such a great help. God bless you.


Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Oh you beautiful people, we are on the journey....ABBA is a cool Daddy...he understands and we would get there!!!

The wimpy enemy is under your feet!!!


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I am often prone to wonder but I rely solely on what Jesus has done for me, I have just renewed my consecration to follow Jesus and trusting his unfailing covenant, I know I am saved. More grace Lord give me to follow You to the end of my pilgrim journey.

Stanzas 2 and 3 are revised:

2. Oh, to grace how great a debtor

Daily I'm constrained to be!

Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,

Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;

Prone to leave the God I love:

Take my heart, oh, take and seal it

With Thy Spirit from above.

3. Now that I've obtained salvation,

Been from sins and death set free,

Let me live a life uncommon,

Manifest God's Son through me.

Here I raise my Ebenezer;

Here by Thy great help I've come,

And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,

Safely to arrive at home.

Piano Hymns