O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me,
Teach me how to breathe Thee in;
Help me pour into Thy bosom
All my life of self and sin.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my own life,
That I may be filled with Thine;
Letting go my strength and weakness,
Breathing in Thy life divine.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
Breathing out my sinful nature,
Thou hast borne it all for me;
Breathing in Thy cleansing fulness,
Finding all my life in Thee.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
On Thy kind and gentle breast;
Breathing in Thy joy and comfort,
Breathing in Thy peace and rest.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my sickness,
Thou hast borne its burden too;
I am breathing in Thy healing,
Ever promised, ever new.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my longings
In Thy listening, loving ear;
I am breathing in Thy answers,
Stilling every doubt and fear.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing every moment,
Drawing all my life from Thee;
Breath by breath I live upon Thee,
Lord, Thy Spirit breathe in me.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
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Caloocan, National Capital Region, Philippines
Only by breathing out every negative things in us which includes all our sorrows, our own life, our sinful nature, our longings, our opinions, our desires, our ambitions, our preferences, and our choices, the Lord as the Spirit can fill us.
When the Spirit fills our entire being, that is, when we gain the infilling Spirit by breathing Him in, we cannot help but become burning. We will have power inwardly, filled with joy and peace deep within. We will be freed from bondage and oppression.
This is the way for us to grow and mature in life, be ready to meet our dear Bridegroom. Hallelujah!
Hong Kong
No doubt this is a very deep and true spiritual experience. I find no reason to criticize this hymn.
Every day I do this. In the morning, I breathe out all my sorrow and sins to the Lord, and inhale in all the fullness of the Lord. I like this hymn because it lists all the things that block me from the Lord, and that we can breathe all of them out to the Lord. This leaves me with no recourse, no excuse not to touch the Lord, especially in the morning when I am just awake. I feel refreshed after performing spiritual breathing.
This hymn changes my spiritual life.
New Haven, CT, United States
I used this song in a home Sunday worship service recently; while we were waiting for the midi to replay, I realized it was the perfect moment to actually DO what the song says: we all took the time to breathe, until the next stanza played. What a wonderful way to be involved, to be in the Spirit, to relax into the deep peace of God. I'm going to suggest that we sing more songs this way--taking time between stanzas and the chorus, to breathe in God's peace and light, and breathe out our own sorrow, darkness.