O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me,
Teach me how to breathe Thee in;
Help me pour into Thy bosom
All my life of self and sin.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my own life,
That I may be filled with Thine;
Letting go my strength and weakness,
Breathing in Thy life divine.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
Breathing out my sinful nature,
Thou hast borne it all for me;
Breathing in Thy cleansing fulness,
Finding all my life in Thee.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
On Thy kind and gentle breast;
Breathing in Thy joy and comfort,
Breathing in Thy peace and rest.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my sickness,
Thou hast borne its burden too;
I am breathing in Thy healing,
Ever promised, ever new.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing out my longings
In Thy listening, loving ear;
I am breathing in Thy answers,
Stilling every doubt and fear.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
I am breathing every moment,
Drawing all my life from Thee;
Breath by breath I live upon Thee,
Lord, Thy Spirit breathe in me.
I am breathing out my sorrow,
Breathing out my sin;
I am breathing, breathing, breathing,
All Thy fulness in.
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Evanston, Illinois, United States
My brother walked in while I was helping Mom with her PT and doing some of my own calisthenics. He wanted to know why I wasn't breathing correctly. "You are not exhaling. if you exhale you will get more air." I love this hymn.
Iligan, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines
Praise the Lord that He is always available to us. Thanks also for sharing the testimony of Albert Benjamin Simpson.
Denton, United States
O Lord, I need You. Life meeting the need of man's every case. The need of the moral—life's regenerating.
Arcadia, CA, United States
Breathing out our sin and breathing in The Lord's truth!
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
I looked this up for our nephew doing finals at OU. I enjoyed all the comments especially A.B. Simpson's testimony. I had not heard this. Lord keep us breathing You in all day, in all the situations, complexities, enjoyments, environments, times of rest, relaxation.
It's just a matter of breathing.. a matter of what we breathe in. Christ is the Fullness! Our need is to breathe this Fullness in!
North Caloocan, NCR, Philippines
How crucial for us to breathe in and breathe out the Lord moment by moment.... Our Lord went through a process to become pneumatic so that we can take Him in and take Him out by calling on His precious name... We can come to the Lord and tell Him everything that we feel... He can be whatever we need...
Anaheim, CA, United States
Genesis 2:7 Jehovah God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
John 20:22 And when he had said this, He breathed into them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.
God breathes into us to form our human spirit. Christ, in His resurrection breathes His Spirit into our spirit. God's word is His breathe. He breathes into us so we can receive Him and be filled with Him.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit!
NC, United States
I am also impressed by a sister's sharing regarding the brother who wrote this hymn.
"I am breathing out my sickness , breathing out my sin....." The hymn was written by A.B. Simpson, who lived in America in the 1800's. At the age of 35 he was told by doctors that he only had a few months to live, due to a respiratory ailment. They told him to prepare his family of wife and five children for his inevitable soon departure. He spent the next few months asking the Lord if He really wanted to take him now. Simpson felt that they Lord had more work for him to do on earth, and so began to seek for healing. This was at the very beginning of the Pentecostal movement, and some were having genuine and miraculous instant healing. But this never happened to Simpson, and he grew more desperate. Then he learned how to breathe in the Lord, and to draw life from the Lord Spirit. In fact, he began to practice having a time every morning to breathe in the Spirit and receive the life supply for his spirit, soul, and body. Simpson testified that he was never "once for all" healed. His symptons would return daily, forcing him to go to the Lord in a moment-by-moment way to breathe in life for his whole being. He was DAILY healed, and lived to the age of 70. At the end of his life, he testified that he lived the first half of his life by his own energy and strength, and that he lived the second half of his life in resurrection life!
NC, United States
Praise the Lord, a very effective, simple healing! simply by breathing....(of course, no "side or adverse reactions") ... has become a "priceless medication and treatment" to take daily...even moment by moment.. under His care, grace and mercy, in resurrection. He is without fail, the sweet Encouragement, the wholesome Energy and the edifying Strength. O Lord Jesus!!!