Upon the throne of Jesus Christ

Cs445 E1188 T1188
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Upon the throne of Jesus Christ
  We’ve taken up our seat.
The world and Satan, sin and self
  Are all beneath our feet!
Christ’s finished work did put us here.
  When once for all He died;
No more are we the sinners poor,
  We’re fully glorified.
We’re dwelling in the house of God,
  The church life glorious.
The shrinking-back, low Christian life,
  Is not the life for us!
We’re passing through the Holy Place
  Of mind, emotion, will;
We’re dwelling in the Holiest
  Where God our being fills.
We’re under the New Covenant,
  With glorious items, three:
The law of life, spontaneous,
  Transforming utterly;
We are His people, He’s our God—
  Oh, bless’d reality;
We all are fully able now
  To know God inwardly.
A supplement God added then;
  This item we must know:
Christ Jesus did put sin away
  Two thousand years ago.
No memory of sin at all,
  It’s hist’ry, done and gone;
In spirit now the law of life
  Will take us swiftly on.
Two things accomplished by our Lord
  On Calvary’s cross, we see:
The law of life, the end of sin!
  Our God’s economy.
Since all His work was finished there,
  He entered into rest;
Now on the throne He prays that we
  Will take our full bequest.
We’ll drop our former concepts, Lord,
  To take this finished way;
Appropriating each bequest,
  We’ll praise You more each day.
We’ll heed our High Priest’s inward call—
  “Come forward!” to the end—
Until we reach the final goal;
  The New Jerusalem!
Robin Steele

Meridian, Mississippi, United States

I love you Brother. My home in Meridian MS., USA, is always open unto you and your family. With tears I pray the following prayer in the name of Christ Jesus for the sake of Christ in AKINTOMIDE.

Father, in Jesus’s name, with all God’s love that is shed abroad by the Holy Ghost in your heart in me, I enfold your love for Akintomide and all mankind and transfer it into the Light of Christ in me, that removes all darkness and let’s my and Akintomide’s light shine, removing All the powers of darkness and returning the glory to God our Father, I Now release with the Spirit of Joy; to heal all mankind, no matter where they lay their heads or place their feet and blessing the Whole World. Loving the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and loving my neighbor as myself. These words are fulfilled within the hearing of the ears.


Robin Steele

Akintomide Olamilokun

Lagos, Nigeria

We are indeed under His New Covenant. He has blessed us with His son. He has made us a new person and cleaned our past with His blood. Nothing can be more refreshing than His unconditional love to all mankind.