I love Thee, Jesus

Cs301 E1154 F114 G1154 K788 LSM192 P273 R401 S277 T1154
I love Thee, Jesus,
And Thy love to me
Draws me, ever to seek Thee
  And run after Thee,
Draws me, ever to seek Thee
  And run after Thee.
    Thou art beloved,
    Yea! Altogether lovely,
    The One in whom my heart delighteth.
Thy love, Lord Jesus,
Is sweeter than wine,
And Thy fragrance of ointments
  My heart doth entwine,
And Thy fragrance of ointments
  My heart doth entwine.
    A fount in gardens,
    A well of living waters,
    Which streams and flows from Lebanon’s mountains.
O come Beloved,
On my garden blow,
That the odor of spices
  May break forth and flow,
That the odor of spices
  May break forth and flow.
    My spouse, My sister,
    I’m come into My garden
    To feast upon wine, milk and honey.
Set me, Lord Jesus,
As seal on Thine heart;
Jealousy’s cruel as Sheol,
  And love’s strong as death,
Jealousy’s cruel as Sheol,
  And love’s strong as death.
    Much water cannot
    Quench love, nor do floods drown it.
    All man could give for love is contemned.
(Repeat the last three lines of each stanza)
Nathan and Kimberly Brais

Long Beach, California, United States

My husband and I chose this hymn to be sung at our wedding because this has been our experience. When we look away from everything of this earth we see how lovely our Lord Jesus is and it makes us want to run after Him.

Jeremy Paysnoe

Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Our Savior is the Jubilee and when He sets us free we RUN to Him to tell Him that we will not go out free. We choose to love Him; to love His Body. Lord Jesus I love You.


Riverside, Ca, United States

I love this song... it shows our love towards the Lord, how we run after Him.

how His love is sweeter than anything, nothing can be compared to Him! HALLELUJAH!

Rachel Wash

San Antonio, Texas, United States

When I sing this song I feel as though the Lord and I are singing a love song to one another. I find myself head over hills in love falling in love with him.

Kyra Cattelan

Newington, CT, U.S.A.

Today was just a day when it would appear the world had gotten the best of me. Yet all through the day the first stanza of this song kept playing through my head. When I arrived home i immediately came on here and played this lovely melody and these beautiful words. My heart just wanted to sing it out to the Lord. It just made me see how much the world is vanity and how incredibly loving our Lord Jesus is. I worship You Lord for all things!


Hong Kong

I also like this song because it's so sweet! When I'm singing this i felt like The spirit of the Lord is filling me inside and out.

Clay Wright

Nashville, TN, U.S.A.

Praise the Lord for such a sweet song. I first sang this song in the Southeast College Conference of October 2002 in Simpsonville, South Carolina. I thoroughly enjoyed that time. This song is a constant reminder of that enjoyment of the Lord, and the wonderful fellowship with the saints. Furthermore, this song reminds me that I and the rest if the saints need intimate time with the Lord as often as possible. After all, this is how He feels toward us. Amen.

Steward Carter

Columbus, ND, U.S.A.

When I sing this song I become saturated and permeated by the Lord's Spirit. My cheeks become full and I smile from ear to ear. I enjoy how precious and dear the Lord Jesus is.

The more I sing this song the happier the Lord Jesus is within me. He loves to hear us all tell Him we love Him. My eyes turn into dove's eyes. His Spirit is within me and outside of me. He is the BEST—-a Lamb sooooo precious and dear.


It draws me closer to the Lord.

Piano Hymns