Recherche 198
E8757 Can I forget the coming Lord Classique
E873 Charge, soldiers, charge in battle Classique
E893 Conflict today is fierce Classique
E1158 Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus Classique
NT1158 Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus Nouvelles  ;Mélodies
E8392 Dearest of all is He Classique
NS154 God's love: long, broad, high, and deep Nouveaux  ;Chants
E8273 God, You are now rearranging my way Classique
E1040 Hark, the Savior's knocking, knocking Classique
E8711 Hark, the Savior's knocking, knocking (revised) Classique
E405 Having seen the world's fair beauty Classique
E8393 He is the joy of joys Classique
E8330 How vast, immense, and measureless Classique
E8468 If I would only stray a bit Classique
E8276 If Thou Tak'st Away My Beloved, Give Thyself To Me Classique
E8310 In A Lifetime Never Met A Clever Rival Classique
NS19 Let me love and not be requited Nouveaux  ;Chants
NS474 Let me love and not be respected Nouveaux  ;Chants
E635 Let us contemplate the grape vine Classique
E403 Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me Classique
E389 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live Classique
NT389 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live Nouvelles  ;Mélodies
E8761 Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus! Why Dost Thou Not Come? Classique
E8770 Lord, New Jerusalem You're building Classique
E491 Lord, Thou didst know when in the flesh Classique