Hark, the Savior’s knocking, knocking (revised)

C711 E8711 G1040 K711 R297 S477
Hark, the Savior’s knocking, knocking,
  Knocking at your heart!
Oh, do not be hardened, hardened,
  Lest He should depart.
Rise and open up your heart,
  Quickly let Him in;
Life divine He’ll give you, give you,
  And forgive your sin.
Let Him in! Let Him in!
He’s knocking at your heart;
Let Him in! Oh, let Him in!
  Let Him in your heart.
Hear Him calling, “Sinner, Sinner,
Come find rest in Me;
I gave up My body, body,
For you on the tree;
Died that you receive God’s grace,
Bled to purchase thee,
That your sins, though scarlet, scarlet,
White as snow may be.”
Why should you still tarry, tarry,
Leave Him at the door?
Once this chance is over, over,
It may come no more!
He’s so full of love for you;
Do not make Him sigh.
Life divine He’ll give you, give you;
Why just wait to die?
If you still would tarry, tarry,
There will come a day
When you will be sorry, sorry,
Beg the Lord to stay.
Grace’s door will be shut then;
Tears will be in vain.
Why not grasp this moment, moment,
Let Him entrance gain?

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.