Chants qui ont été commentés récemment
Jesus, our wonderful Shepherd
The Church
He is our rich enjoyment! Here we have nothing to fear!Come and dine Experience of Christ
A very beautiful and melodious song. It shows that Jesus is always ready to provide for us all the time. It’s only us who do not see the re…Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus Praise of the Lord
How inspiring it is to experience the Love of God through this hymn. Your words were found and I ate them and they became the joy and…
Father, I know that all my life
Experience of God
And a mind to blend with outward life while keeping at Thy side; It's a mystery that we can simultaneously live in the physical…How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This hymn has helped me so many times. In the fourth stanza it says, “The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design thy dross to consume an…Jesus is all the world to me Experience of Christ
Will Thompson was a renowned songwriter, and at the age of sixteen he wrote two very popular songs. He was on his way to becoming a career…The Maker of the universe Praise of the Lord
The spear which spilled His precious blood Was tempered in the fires of God. The grave in which His form was laid, …God has forgiven all my sins Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Isaiah 44:22 (RcV) - I have wiped away, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, / And like a cloud, your sins. / Return unto Me, for I…I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
May the Lord put me on higher ground 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏I will sing the wondrous story Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Tis very comforting to know that after this hard toil on earth, we will one day live forever with him in glory - where the sun will never…Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night Gospel
We sung this song throughout the whole period of waiting around mum's deathbed as she was gasping for breath and finally went to be with…What can wash away my sin? Gospel
Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of…
Oh, strengthen my spirit, Lord Jesus
Salvation does not require the paying of a price, but maturity does. To obtain the oil in the lamp does not require one to pay a price, but …We've become the Lord's dear brothers Meetings
Jesus is our Kuya! Amen!I Am Reborn Experience of God
Yes, God Himself is now my life; His nature is forever mine. All His commands I can fulfill, Since I…The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want Experience of Christ
The Lord is my giver and provider he is the king of kings love you father son and holy spirit amenPraise God, from whom all blessings flow Blessing of the Trinity
This song dropped in my heart while having my breakfast this morning. It's always a blessing to me. I am grateful Lord 🙏Living for Jesus a life that is true Consecration
Thank you! This hymn came to me this morning and it was so great to be able to look it up so easily. What a beautiful hymn/prayer!What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
Nice song 👍There is a fountain filled with blood Gospel
2025 still my best song everSplendid church life! His green garden! The Church
What a joy to sing of the splendid church life as His green garden! This hymn beautifully captures the organic experience of Christ as life …Jesus Lord, I'm coming forward unto You Experience of Christ
What a great prayer actuallyLiving Christ, Our Victory Spiritual Warfare
Consummated corporate warrior, New Jerusalem are we, One with our ascended Husband, Lord of Lords and King …
I am so glad that our Father in heav'n
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank you Jesus for loving me so dearly. I surrender my life and heart to you. I belong to you father. I will love you all my daysLord, now I see Comfort in Trials
Lord we see and only want to believe in you. We need to lift our eyes and see the Lord on the throne. No matter what happens…