Chants qui ont été commentés récemment

A mighty Fortress is our God Spiritual Warfare
“the little Word” (ein Wortlein) is the baby Jesus; so this is Advent Hymn. Likewise in first line of 4th verse, “Word” should b…
Christ has come to be life Various Aspects of the Inner Life
Praise the Lord that his life flows in me! Oh Lord supply me fully!
Come and let us return to Jehovah (Hosea 6:1-3) Scriptures for Singing
Let us pursue knowing Jehovah!
Watch, for the night is ending Encouragement
If ever a time to be on watch ? Let us who have ears and hearts to hear ? Keep falling in love with our majestic Groom Jesus. He is ready…
Christ to me is so subjective Experience of Christ
This hymn exemplifies how real and living is the law of the divine life to us. Christ is so subjective, He truly is our all in…
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
The power of surrender is so evident in the lyrics of this song. To know that we ourselves are nothing. We open the doorway of letting God…
O Christ, what burdens bow'd Thy head Praise of the Lord
Cursed is every man that does not complete every letter of the law. This curse was on us as defiled sinners. Christ became cursed because…
My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
He has called me to intercede for his people and in only him I trust.
Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
My father used to sing this song a lot and played on the piano. It was such a peaceful song for me to hear. it still puts me at peace to…
What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
Here because of JD Walt’s Wake Up Call!
Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
This hymn dropped in my soul while in the bathroom this night and it has really ministered to me pointing my worries and confusion to…
It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine Praise of the Lord
It is important to know many things in the Bible are beyond our ability to understand, but we can still experience them. The love of God is …
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Praise of the Lord
What a wonderful song to praise God with. God deserve our praises and so praising Him with a song like this am sure He will be delighted.…
Thou art the living Word, O Lord Praise of the Lord
The amazing thing is that church is to express the fullness of God. We have this treasure in jars of clay, the glory of Christ. We are to…
Jesus is all the world to me Experience of Christ
This was one of my favorite songs during our 17 years at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis. I can almost hear Jim Whitmire leading the…
What can wash away my sin Gospel
I believe in the efficacy of the Blood of Jesus. The Precious Blood forgives and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Thank God for His…