Chants qui ont été commentés récemment
At Calvary
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank you JESUS for saving me from the bondage of sinPraise the Savior, ye who know Him Praise of the Lord
I needed to sing a praise song to get out of the doldrums! This one came to mind, from childhood.Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
The promised of God is a sure promised no doubt about it. God is faithful to me and my family. What God cannot do does not exist.Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
Amen and Amen!!!Watch! Be Ready! Hope of Glory
He’s the most precious OneO happy day that fixed my choice Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Great and powerful inspirational, a greatest transaction is done , hallelujah hallelujah AmenJesus shall reign where'er the sun Praise of the Lord
In Him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lostO to be like Thee Longings
This is my daily cry, I love Jesus so much and I long to be like Him. This is a song, is my prayer and my heart desire. God…Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
What a great assurance 🙏✨ Forever Grateful Lord🙇Whispers from above Experience of Christ
Thank YouLord, we treasure with affection Praise of the Lord
None could follow there, blest Savior!Turn your eyes upon Jesus Encouragement
His Word shall not fail you, He promised; Believe Him and all will be well; I believe that You are ever faithful in…
Onward Christian soldiers
Spiritual Warfare
Great way to start the day!Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too Union with Christ
Nothing like the Word, a Hymn and then a prayer for me!Jesus, Savior, pilot me Longings
In 1870 Edward Hopper became the pastor of a small church in New York Harbor known as The Church of Sea and Land. Hopper‘s father was a me…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
What a great assurance 🙏✨ Forever Grateful Lord🙇Hallelujah! sing to Jesus Praise of the Lord
We sang it in boarding school. Now I taught my children the Hymn.Manna from Heaven Experience of Christ
Thank you Lord that you are breathable, eatable, drinkable, and take you in our being!Our Father, as the evergreen Worship of the Father
Praise the LordO glorious Christ, Savior mine Experience of Christ
O glorious Christ, Savior mine, Thou art truly radiance divine; God infinite, in eternity, Yet man in…Tell me the old, old story Gospel
Miss Kate Hankey born about 1846, the daughter of an English banker, is the author of this very devout and tender Christian poem, written…O happy day that fixed my choice Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Great and powerful inspirational, a greatest transaction is done , hallelujah hallelujah Amen