Chants qui ont été commentés récemment

Consecrated One Consecration
Oh Lord, help me to be a voluntary consecrated one!
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Oh to Grace, how great a debtor. When I sang this, I look back over my life and see it is truly His grace that got me through. This Grace…
Remove my covering, Lord Longings
Oh Lord Jesus, remove my covering that I may see Thy light. I open to You! Shine on my unrenewed mind. Shine on the good intentions of my…
The old rugged cross Glorying in the Cross
These old hymns about the Cross have the message we all need. Thank you Jesus for going to the Cross.
Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Wonderful hymn. Is a motivational hymn. I love ❤️ hearing it early in the morning.
Objective and subjective Christ is to us Experience of Christ
This hymn became subjective to my spirit this morning! Just imagine the reality of being glorified with Christ in the mingling of the…
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Always the cross, forever the cross for me. Draw me nearer Lord
I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me Praise of the Lord
Indeed I've found a friend in Jesus. Praise God!
Hidden Behind Every Scene Consecration
Lord we see you!!!
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Experience of Christ
This came to me after singing “leaning on the everlasting arms. 1 What a fellowship, what a joy sublime*, d…
Trust and obey Experience of Christ
Very powerful 👏