Chants qui ont été commentés récemment
Take my life, and let it be
We are so blessed to know this song through the book from Pst. Rick Warren on page 214 Better Together (what on earth are we here for? ):…Beneath the cross of Jesus Glorying in the Cross
I had never known the part with "oh, trysting place where heaven's love and heaven's justice meet"! What an amazing condensation of all…The name of Jesus is our stand Spiritual Warfare
Should we our ease and pleasure seek and let the foe devour? NO!!! The name of JESUS is our stand, it is our victory! …I love Thee, Jesus Experience of Christ
Set me, Lord Jesus, As seal on Thine heart; Jealousy’s cruel as Sheol, And love’s strong as death, …Life at best is very brief Gospel
Ps. 39 vs 4-6 life is a shadow and Brief indeed and we can't take anything away. Let us live for God today as that's all that matters and…Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
Woke up in this early morning with the song: oh God oh God I need you now how I need you now.…To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!Out in the highways and byways of life Preaching of the Gospel
Oh Lord! May our living emanate the fragrance of Christ! May we follow the anointing to speak to those we meet.
O happy day that fixed my choice
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Great and powerful inspirational, a greatest transaction is done , hallelujah hallelujah AmenGive up the world, Christ to obtain Gospel
Prise the Lord! God treasures Christ more than anything else; the Lord Himself will be our treasure; He will hear us, He will be …Loved with everlasting love Assurance and Joy of Salvation
In earth we see Christ, in heaven we see him. AmenThe gift of righteousness Encouragement
This song is so beautiful, I’m so touched! Feels I’m cured and got so much energy, Amen!I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Always the cross, forever the cross for me. Draw me nearer LordLord, lay some soul upon my heart Preaching of the Gospel
Fervent love, desperate prayer, and Rich enjoyment of the Lord will surely lead us to speak the gospel.Day by day, and with each passing moment Comfort in Trials
Praise the Lord! Our faith is in our spirit, and it is excellent; the proving of our faith is by trials that come through sufferings. As we …I've wandered far away from God Gospel
This draw me closer to God when I sing it. Indeed it is my sincere prayer that I should remain in the presence of the Most High God to…Just as I am Gospel
Glory to God, yeah this song always blesses my heart so much, through the help of the comforter holy spirit "I see the need of…There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
May his showers of blessings be upon the world and let sinners be converted to Christ.
The King of love my Shepherd is
Experience of Christ
I love this😍😍😍To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!Day by day, and with each passing moment Comfort in Trials
Praise the Lord! Our faith is in our spirit, and it is excellent; the proving of our faith is by trials that come through sufferings. As we …Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank you Jesus for everythingThou hidden source of calm repose Experience of Christ
Verse 1½ Thy mighty name salvation is, And keeps my happy soul above; Comfort it brings, and power, and p…