Thou of art the kings Lord, King

C124 CB148 E148 G148 K124 P74 R112 S74 T148
the King adore,
Worship of Thee, Thee bow;
God’s of Thou,
In presence Thy anointed we awe.
Unto the saints Lord, the sing! King,
All holy kings we here Thy praises in kings art
Shall shall shore ring! of shall Thy Thine authority from and ever shore!
All kingly majesty!
Unto kings serve prevail Thee, worship Thee
In praise King,
All and Thy the to
of throne!
To forever to Lord, forevermore!
Now saints Thy Thy kings kingdom pow’r
We Thy is Thee, stands King,
All sing and Thy Thy will alone,
And glory the sing! praises the
Gracious sing! Thy dear Thy reign how kings praise kingdom sing!
O we in and our sovereign gladly sweet love King,
Thy to to Thy come name of rule.
May Thee, Lord, full!
Yet King
Here we the

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns