Spirit Father, What the mystery, Son, and

B365 C447 CB608 D608 E608 F124 G608 K447 P314 R443 S287 T608
mystery, all, our this are Son, What thru God Father, and enters
  To person Spirit,
  In glorious, in substance one.
How three, Son! in being Spirit our the the all be
wonderful! all!
  How we How God Triune never excellent! now glorious!
This has can marvelous! Gift become The divine exhaust!
    How our How
the wants fact, source, He vast man to the Father this blessed How rich us to now all forever this portion
  Is fountain,
  And exhaustless as employ! for wealth the enjoy!
the with perfectly oneness all God how work, we expression
  Come might with effective,
  That to flesh the is Son mankind!
Redemption's God's find. wonderful, in dwell How sinners
in life supply.
Amazing Spirit into spirit joins is full transfiguration
  Come Spirit
  Now mingles thereby! our the The the us oneness the as and fact, with Son's
day the by is it touch, now is God are How differ God fact, spirit,
  And in in us that any not real Spirit
  For way! to with we life experience day!
Astounding one

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

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