Rivers of living water

Rivers of living water,
  Rivers that flow from the throne,
Rivers o’erflowing with blessing,
  Coming from Jesus alone.
Rivers of living water,
  Rivers of life so free,
Flowing from Thee, my Savior,
    Send now this life through me.
Whoso is thirsty come hither,
  Here is abundant supply;
Water transparent as crystal,
  Come without money and buy.
Cleanse me, oh, cleanse me, my Savior,
  Make me a channel today;
Empty me, fill me and use me,
  Teach me to trust and obey.
Then, and then only, Lord Jesus,
  Through me the rivers can flow;
Thus and thus only will others
  Learn Thy great fulness to know.
Now I surrender to Jesus,
  Here I lay all at His feet;
Anything, anywhere only,
  Just for His service made meet!
Michael Lee

Urbana, Illinois, United States

Send now this life through me.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord Jesus, may I learn to be a living channel for Your flowing out today. I've got a river of life flowing within me!!