In the Word of God I found it,
Wonderful this Word to me;
I need not man’s natural teaching,
The anointing lives in me!
Wonderful this Word to me;
I need not man’s natural teaching,
The anointing lives in me!
Yes, in my spirit now He is moving!
Yes, I have the anointing!
God in me is flowing!
Thank God, I see it!
His Word revealed it!
I will apply it ever!
The anointing lives in me!
Yes, I have the anointing!
God in me is flowing!
Thank God, I see it!
His Word revealed it!
I will apply it ever!
The anointing lives in me!
Making Christ experiential,
God at His pure Word I take;
As the Spirit joined unto me,
He cannot His promise break.
God at His pure Word I take;
As the Spirit joined unto me,
He cannot His promise break.
Based upon the blood that cleanses
So that nothing stands between,
Christ, the ointment, moves within me!
For His move I’m made so clean.
So that nothing stands between,
Christ, the ointment, moves within me!
For His move I’m made so clean.
God in Christ as life in Spirit
Into my own spirit came!
He the Holy One anoints me
Till in spirit we’re the same.
Into my own spirit came!
He the Holy One anoints me
Till in spirit we’re the same.
God in Spirit; I can touch Him;
In my spirit He’s the flow.
Deeper, wider, richer, fuller—
Oh, the very God I know!
In my spirit He’s the flow.
Deeper, wider, richer, fuller—
Oh, the very God I know!
As I heed “that same anointing”
Ever to “abide in Him,”
He is teaching, He is reaching,
Even all my heart to win.
Ever to “abide in Him,”
He is teaching, He is reaching,
Even all my heart to win.
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Irving, TX, United States
The lyrics to this hymn were composed by Robert "Bobby" Allen while he was meeting with the church in Houston TX in the 1970's. Bobby currently meets with the chuch in Irving TX.
Fargo, ND, United States
Many will come to me in that day and say (I did many things FOR You... ). This hymn reveals the secret of doing things BY Him and not just for Him. "For Him" originates from our soul. "By Him" originates from the anointing in our spirit. Lord, teach me, day-by-day, to live by Your moving in our inner man.
Fremont, California, United States
Thank the Lord that the anointing is constantly moving and working within us to add the element of God into us and cause us to understand and know God’s will intimately and subjectively! Hallelujah! 😀
Irving, TX, United States
Our daily experience of the anointing, which is Christ as the life-giving Spirit, shining, speaking, saving, enlightening, is so precious, so inspiring, so caring, so intimate, making us just love our dear and precious Lord Jesus more today than yesterday!
Los Angeles, California, United States
Thank You Lord for Your Spirit as the anointing I have have received who abides and dwells in my spirit. Your anointing teaches me in all things and is true and is not a lie. You are flowing and moving, teaching and reaching me deeper, wider, richer, and fuller as I abide in You more and more!
Columbus, Ohio, United States
God in us is flowing! This is the very God I know! Lord win all my heart!
Anaheim, California, United States
The anointing lives in us!
Sutton, London, United Kingdom
Making Christ experiential. This is the goal of the Christian life. As we turn our hearts to Him and stand on His word, He anoints us and by this anointing we learn to abide in Him more and more each day. This abiding produces God's unique desire, the Church, His bride.
Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
John chapter 15 and this treasured song go together even though its based on 1 John. I thank the Lord for all His blessings and the songs that He freely gives to us.
I love this one; so beautiful..Yes I believe.