How could a country girl like me
Become Your match — Your bride to be?
You’re holy and You are divine
But I’m fallen and human.
Without You, Lord, I have no chance
To be like You in this romance.
But You chose me ere the world began
Nothing could change Your plan.
Become Your match — Your bride to be?
You’re holy and You are divine
But I’m fallen and human.
Without You, Lord, I have no chance
To be like You in this romance.
But You chose me ere the world began
Nothing could change Your plan.
This divine romance
Is My heart’s deep plan.
I became a lowly man
To court My country girl.
Is My heart’s deep plan.
I became a lowly man
To court My country girl.
Nothing could deter,
Nothing can alter
My eternal love for her;
I’ll gain My country girl.
Nothing can alter
My eternal love for her;
I’ll gain My country girl.
No man or angel ever knew
This secret hidden deep in You
That You desired to be one with man
Before the world began.
Though sin came in to ruin me
Through Satan’s scheme and subtlety
Nothing could break Your love for me
To gain me totally.
This secret hidden deep in You
That You desired to be one with man
Before the world began.
Though sin came in to ruin me
Through Satan’s scheme and subtlety
Nothing could break Your love for me
To gain me totally.
This divine romance
Is My heart’s deep plan,
I became a lowly man
To court My country girl.
Is My heart’s deep plan,
I became a lowly man
To court My country girl.
Nothing could deter,
Nothing can alter
My eternal love for her;
I’ll gain My country girl.
Nothing can alter
My eternal love for her;
I’ll gain My country girl.
As King of kings You became a man,
You died for me—I’ve been redeemed,
In resurrection made us queen
To marry You, my King.
From death You ’rose and entered me,
I now possess Your divinity;
In life and nature we’re the same:
Both human and divine.
You died for me—I’ve been redeemed,
In resurrection made us queen
To marry You, my King.
From death You ’rose and entered me,
I now possess Your divinity;
In life and nature we’re the same:
Both human and divine.
In Your love I’m drawn,
To You I belong;
I am not my own, Lord,
I’m Yours alone.
To You I belong;
I am not my own, Lord,
I’m Yours alone.
By Your love I’m drawn,
In Your name I’m charmed,
And Your Person captured me,
For I’ve been kissed by Thee.
In Your name I’m charmed,
And Your Person captured me,
For I’ve been kissed by Thee.
Lord, in this close sweet fellowship,
Lord, be with me so intimate,
So personal and affectionate;
A sweet relationship.
Lord, daily change my inward being
Lord, all my heart possessing
In all my being—transforming
To be Your bride and queen.
Lord, be with me so intimate,
So personal and affectionate;
A sweet relationship.
Lord, daily change my inward being
Lord, all my heart possessing
In all my being—transforming
To be Your bride and queen.
In Your love I’m drawn,
To You I belong;
I am not my own, Lord,
I’m Yours alone.
To You I belong;
I am not my own, Lord,
I’m Yours alone.
By Your love I’m drawn,
In Your name I’m charmed,
And Your Person captured me,
For I’ve been kissed by Thee.
In Your name I’m charmed,
And Your Person captured me,
For I’ve been kissed by Thee.
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Shoreline, Washington, United States
I want TO be only FOR you CHRIST only YOU! No. One. ELSE...
Austin, Texas, United States
Lord, I don’t know what else to say. I love you. Thank you Jesus.
Anaheim, California, United States
God's economy is a divine romance. Although we are fallen and human, He, the King of Kings came to court us, the country girl, to make us His bride, his queen to match Him, to marry Him by imparting His life and nature into us and daily transformating us.
Ashley, TX, United States
Lord daily change my inward being
Guntur, Ap, India
Lord, daily change my inward being Lord, all my heart possessing in all my being_transforming to be Your bride and queen (amen)
Guntur, AP, India
By Your love I'm drawn, in Your name I'm charmed.
Austin, TX
Oh Lord Jesus You just come forward and kiss me! I have been intimately kissed by You Lord! Oh I love You Jesus, I am Yours alone! Gain me totally!
Batangas, Philippines
Thank You Lord Jesus.
To You I belong. Hallelujah!
Belton, Texas, United States
Amen. Thank You, Lord. Thank You for dying for me and putting Yourself on the line for my chance to get into heaven. Te amo, Dios.
Prosper, TX, United States
Oh Lord Your recovery is so real! We the church are Your bride! And You are so intimate with us, You talk to every one of us and care for us! The Lord drew me to look at the lyrics of this song, not only was the song so life giving, but the comments are so encouraging! To see the recovery all over the world! Nigeria, Pakistan, China, India, New Zealand, Indonesia, Brazil, Korea, Taiwan, and many more countries that the Lord created! This just became so real to me! Every one of us is living so many thousands of miles away from each other, we have entirely different lives and cultures, and we may not even speak the same language, but WE ALL LOVE THE SAME LORD! We all are here to praise Him!!! :) oh Lord thank You for You all-encompassing love.