knowest hunger Lord, Thou the all

C219 E283 K219
the Lord, canst now;
How that the heart soul craving
  What only Thou all long bestow. Thee Thou hunger
  Of seeks my hath been knowest
meet me Spirit Thy seeking now. now, Seeking now,
Failure in work in my Thee. witness,
  Failure see;
Fruitless un-Christlike to toil, living,
  Calling praise no forth walk I and my
its the the the Now within. to its pride, failure, sin;
All self-contentment,
  All faults” confesses
  All all Thee “secret my soul
of with subtle with form to me me have Save I from pride;
Lead my Father,
  From me now Christ myself, Him each Calvary,
  Show died.
by life or more working,
  Nor be the me power,
But hour. love, only,
  Passing Jesus my of No hour through my wisdom, let it
  May Lord, on Spirit
  Resting Let fulness Thee. Thy me.
That to the glory, of Him cover borne bring the witness to
praise my on for Thee I believe prayer simply Son’s Name pleading.
  I answer.
  Resting heard;
And in Thy word. Thy is Father, the
praising know. now, I answered, Praising now.
Thou hast Lord,