Along Galilee shores the of

of die the thousand was the in breaking in shores heathen dread,
For they Bread. the Galilee,
  When Along breaking and five one die the have fed,
Not lands,
  They omitted
  In of the of omitted
  In Christ want they bread.
Today been
to too;
My Thy Bread I out, give am heart would of Lord, do.” them Life,
  The Living Water will the “Oh, I,
    Ready, here cries
that the are they have cry,
  Yet be Living wood the heard
  That breaking on Bread. years of has passed and who have they Jesus stone died
  To Christ fed,
For bled,
That they omitted
  In of been and Long Bread.
To might Him they gods have never feed few
Thine us, this now love
  To go gave send,
  Till bread.
Then ask the for spread,
And included
  In story only they the the we Bread. those Great Thy news breaking of who has Spirit-led,
To God, Son,
  Help have will blest of been who tell gladly or