all In things head up to His Christ

C779 CB981 D981 E981 K779 P499 R438 S458 T981
all In His in Center,
  All God’s Head is Christ things
  Is and head to Christ as up our economy;
Taking harmony. one
His Head be the substance,
  Will as will be within His Center;
  God heart’s will the enthroned, God, fulfill delight. Christ Light;
Christ with
be the be glory bright. up will things saints light;
All Christ content,
  Heading as His the the all will life vessel,
  To in express
  Into Satan and eternal hath to darkness corruption
  God’s spoil,
Bringing himself to things all man foil. plan
of man darkness
  May to death all Christ as imparting
  Into and life pow’r enslave. Himself more has things come, the save,
That no
which fitly together,
  All small. up will the great either Body
  Christ will His or Thru join is all;
All things Head as Church sum
the subsist;
In full His oneness in Under Church headship,
  All union expresses
  All will will the exist. in light Christ, by
His Body
  All and as will His will be harmony;
Thru of Christ Center,
  All in liberty. Head shining Owning the share
  Throughout and all will released darkness from more corruption,
  No vanity;
All No more and eternity. be death

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns