God, our Father, we adore Thee!
We, Thy children, bless Thy Name!
Chosen in the Christ before Thee,
We are “holy without blame.”
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Abba’s praises we proclaim!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Abba’s praises we proclaim!
We, Thy children, bless Thy Name!
Chosen in the Christ before Thee,
We are “holy without blame.”
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Abba’s praises we proclaim!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Abba’s praises we proclaim!
Son Eternal, we adore Thee!
Lamb upon the throne on high!
Lamb of God, we bow before Thee,
Thou hast brought Thy people nigh!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Son of God, Who came to die!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Son of God, Who came to die!
Lamb upon the throne on high!
Lamb of God, we bow before Thee,
Thou hast brought Thy people nigh!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Son of God, Who came to die!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Son of God, Who came to die!
Father, Son and Holy Spirit—
Three in One! we give Thee praise!
For the riches we inherit,
Heart and voice to Thee we raise!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Thee we bless, through endless days!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Thee we bless, through endless days!
Three in One! we give Thee praise!
For the riches we inherit,
Heart and voice to Thee we raise!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Thee we bless, through endless days!
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Thee we bless, through endless days!
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Tampa, FL, United States
Father, Son and Holy Spirit—
Three in One! we give Thee praise!
Aubrey, TX, United States
Son Eternal, we adore Thee!
Thee we bless, through endless days!
Austin, TX, United States
We adore Thee! we adore Thee!
Abba’s praises we proclaim!
Nutley, New Jersey, United States
Son of God, who came to die!
We adore Thee, we adore Ther!
Glenfield, Auckland City, Auckland, New Zealand
Abba Father!! We adore thee!!! Praise you Father!!
God our Father we adore Thee. We Thy children bless Thy name!
All that the Son has is given to us IN the Spirit.
Oh, Lord!! Take a drink! Hallelujah!!
Regina, SK, Canada
Stanza 3 -
Father, Son and Holy Spirit-
Three in One! We give Thee praise
For the riches we inherit,
All that the Father has is in the Son, all that the Son has is given to the Spirit, and all that the Spirit has is realized in us.
(John 16: 15, 13)
Tolland, Connecticut, United States
George West Frazer was born In 1840 in Leitrim, Ireland. In the 18C, a bunch of Frazers of Inverness migrated from the highlands of Scotland to settle in Ireland. Among these was William Potter who became an inspector in the Royal Irish Constabulary- father to ten children. George, the tenth son, became intimately connected with Charles Henry Macintosh who withdrew from the Church of England.
During the Irish revival of 1859-1860, George and his brother came to hear a preacher named Dr. Graham Guinness. Unable to get into his building, they climbed up a window and heard the message of salvation. He was 20 years of age.
“Come hear the gospel sound, yet there is room” George’s conversion was evident by his godly walk, conversation, and truths he enjoyed and wrote down.
George’s leaving the church was a shock to his family but later his dad expressed his wanting to be buried with “George’s people. ”
At 30, he married Louise Knox but feared his affection for her might be first than for God. He wrote “Have I an object Lord below that would divide my heart from Thee. ” On the contrary, it was enhanced by that so intimately greater.
Mr Frazer submitted several hymns to Mr. Darby to include in the 1881 edition “Little Flock Hymnal” which Darby gladly accepted because they were scripturally sound and rhymed well.
The couple never had children. Frazer died January 24th 1896 and was buried in Chilltenham Cemetery. Louise died on May 14th 1914.
Sugar Land, Texas, United States
Father, Son and Holy Spirit we adore Thee.