There is always something over

CB595 Cs434 E595 G595 LSM160 P298 R429 S273 T595
There is always something over,
  When we taste our gracious Lord;
Every cup He fills o’erfloweth,
  Rich supply He doth afford.
Nothing narrow, nothing stinted,
  Ever issued from His store;
To His own He gives full measure,
  Running over, evermore,
To His own He gives full measure,
  Running over, evermore.
There is always something over,
  When we, from the Father’s hand,
Take our portion with thanksgiving,
  Praising for the things He planned.
Satisfaction, full and deepening,
  All our need He doth supply,
When the heart has tasted Jesus
  Its desires to satisfy,
When the heart has tasted Jesus
  Its desires to satisfy.
There is always something over,
  When we share in all His love;
Unplumbed depths still lie beneath us,
  Unscaled heights rise far above.
Human lips can never utter
  All His wondrous tenderness.
We can only praise and wonder
  And His Name forever bless,
We can only praise and wonder
  And His Name forever bless.

This hymn was written when our sister was down to her last dollar.

Benjamin Lee

Cambridge, MA, United States

May we taste our gracious Lord! There is ALWAYS something over! Every cup He fills overflows!

Samuel Appiah Ofori

Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium

Hallelujah there’s always something over to be experienced in Christ.

Stanza one makes me remember the verse, Luke‬ ‭11:13‬ “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him! ”

Jason Ramirez Gutierrez

Bakersfield, California, United States

He is our ever rich supply we can find Him in his economy and oneness.

Chris Clark

Temple, TX, United States

Praise the Lord for this awesome Hymn. So many riches in our Lord!!

Cathy Archambeault

Boise, Idaho, United States

The term "something over" means overflowing. Even after we are saturated, fully satisfied to overflowing, there is more and more enjoyment in our dear, precious Lord Jesus. This is our experience, time after time and not just empty words! Praise You, Lord! We love You!


Ypsilanti, Michigan (MI), United States

DEAR FB, in answer to your question I believe the author was saying that our Lord is more than enough. Whatever our circumstances, there is always a rich supply awaiting us when we contact Him in our spirit. Suddenly we are filled to overflowing and satisfied by His provision.

Sister Sue


Thank You Lord! You are such a rich supply!


London, United Kingdom

Something that has puzzled me for some time: what did our sister have in mind when she affirmed (repeatedly) that "there is always something over"?


Los Angels, CA, United States

All our need He do supply

When we share in all His love.

Samuel Yu

Austin, TX, United States

There is always something over! May our hearts be full of joy when we consider this marvelous fact!

That was a great and noble statement that our brother Paul made to the Philippians. He dared to say to those who were almost his sole supporters, "I have received in full all things and abound." Paul gave no hint of need, but took the position of a wealthy child of a wealthy Father, and he had no fears that by doing so further supplies would not be forthcoming. It was all very well for apostles to say to an unbeliever who himself was in distress, "Silver and gold I do not possess," but it would never have done for a needy apostle to say that to believers who would be ready to respond to an appeal for help. It is a dishonor to the Lord if any representative of His discloses needs that would provoke pity on the part of others. If we have a living faith in God, we shall always make our boast in Him, and we shall dare to proclaim under every circumstance, "I have received in full all things and abound." There is nothing petty or mean about God's true servants; they are all great souls. The following lines were penned by Miss M. E. Barber on Psalm 23:5 when she had used her last dollar:


Piano Hymns