Whose Life is for me.
He’s pure and He’s holy,
Triumphant and free.
He’s wise and He’s loving
How tender is He!
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
His Life in the glory,
My life must be.
Whose Life is for me.
He overcame Satan;
From bondage He’s free.
In Life He is reigning;
How kingly is He!
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
His Life in the glory,
My life must be.
Whose Life is for me.
In Him is no sickness;
No weakness has He.
He’s strong and in vigor,
How buoyant is He!
His Life in the glory
My life may be;
His Life in the glory
My life may be.
Whose Life is for me.
His peace is abiding;
How patient is He!
He’s joyful and radiant,
Expecting to see
His Life in the glory
Lived out in me;
His Life in the glory
Lived out in me.
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Bangalore, Karnataka, Indonesia
We could try singing it replacing "in the glory" with "in my spirit" - very enjoyable.
For example
There’s a Man in my spirit
Whose Life is for me.
His peace is abiding;
How patient is He!
He’s joyful and radiant,
Expecting to see
His Life in my spirit
Lived out in me;
His Life in my spirit
Lived out in me.
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
In Him is no sickness;
No weakness has He.
He’s strong and in vigor,
How buoyant is He!
His Life in the glory
My life may be;
Hallelujah no sickness or weakness has he!
Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines
Stanza 1
There's a Man in the glory
>>>Matt. 25:31 But when the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the angels with Him, at that time He will sit on the throne of His glory.
>>>footnote on glory - The Lord’s glory comprises the glory of His divinity (John 17:22, 24), the glory of His humanity (Psa. 45:3), the glory of His resurrection (John 7:39; Acts 3:13-15), and the glory of His ascension (Heb. 2:9).
Whose Life is for me.
He's pure and He's holy,
Triumphant and free.
He's wise and He's loving,
>>>Luke 7:13 And when the Lord saw her, He was moved with compassion for her
a widow’s only son was being carried in a coffin.
>>>Luke 7:13 footnote 1 This case is unique in the misery it portrays—a widow’s only son was being carried in a coffin. The Savior’s compassion also was unique in His loving sympathy—in His tender mercy He offered His power of resurrection to raise the widow’s son from death, without being asked to do so…
How tender is He!
>>>Phil 2:5 Footnote 1 ... Christ... emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, and humbled Himself, being found in fashion as a man (vv. 7-8)... We need to be one with Him... in His tender inward feeling and in His thinking.
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
>>>Col. 3:4 When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory.
>>>Footnote - In God, Christ is our life. This life is now hidden but will be manifested. Then we will be manifested with this life in glory.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and He is a man. This man is such a pure, holy, wise, tender, loving man. What a man is He! Now this Man in the glory! And the life of this Man is for us.. This life is in us and for us.. Hallelujah!
Pagbilao, Quezon, Philippines
Yes! There's a Man in the glory!
His glory comprises not only the glory of His divinity but also the glory of His humanity, the glory of His resurrection and the glory of His ascension!
His life is for us!
1 John 5:11-12 - And this is the testimony, that God gave to us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.
Anaheim, CA, United States
How patient is He!
San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States
You life is in me. Amen
Chicago, IL, United States
His peace is abiding; How patient is He! WE LOVE YOU, LORD JESUS!
Saturate us with Christ!
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
There’s a Man in the glory
Whose Life is for me.
He overcame Satan;
From bondage He’s free.
In Life He is reigning;
How kingly is He!
His Life in the glory,
My life must be;
His Life in the glory,
My life must be.
Amen Lord Jesus Christ you overcame and defeated Satan on the Cross
Amherst, New York, United States
Lord, how priceless You are, we love You. Your life in the glory our life must be.. Thank you you are joyful and radiant expecting to see HIS LIFE IN THE GLORY LIVED OUT in all its Wonder