There is One in the glory

CB505 Cs27* D505 E8383 F89 G505 K383 P243 R355 S218 T505
There is One in the glory
  Who’s God, yet man is He;
He’s wise, righteous, holy;
  Bright, loving is He;
By Him, life forsaking,
  Salvation was done;
His nature partaking,
  Like Him I become.
There is One in the glory—
  Victorious King is He;
He conquered the foe, destroyed
  His authority.
Broke Hades, ascended,
  Far above all rule,
Now I’m with Him ascended,
  Victorious too.
There is One in the glory—
  My very life is He;
Within me, each moment,
  He rules, guiding me.
His nature, so holy,
  He’s forming in me;
His life full of glory,
  Expressing through me.
There is One in the glory—
  My very hope is He;
He’ll soon be returning
  And rapturing me.
With His glorious power,
  He’ll transfigure me;
Then, from that glorious hour,
  E’er like Him I’ll be.
Repeat the last two lines of each stanza.