The freedom of the soul,
When passed beyond all earthly bribe
To God’s complete control.
All things are his, yes, life, and death,
Things present or to come;
In Christ he draws in peace each breath,
In Christ he finds his home.
To share with Him His throne,
’Tis passing strange that we refuse
To be our Lord’s alone.
O never speak of sacrifice!
A privilege untold
Is to be His at any price,
In Calv’ry’s hosts enrolled.
The fragment for the whole—
All men and all events alike
Must serve the ransomed soul.
All things are yours when you are His,
And He and you are one;
A boundless life in Him there is,
And kingdom yet to come.
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Auckland, New Zealand
Everytime I sing this hymn, I am reminded that to give ourselves to the Lord is not a sacrifice but a privilege untold!
Grafton, New Zealand
Romans 14:7-9
For none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself; for whether we live, we live to the Lord, and whether we die, we die to the Lord.
Therefore whether we live or we die, we are the Lords. For Christ died and lived again for this, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.
We praise You that You are our Lord and we belong to You. We and You are one!
New Zealand
Many may say that to serve the Lord is a waste of time. Yet to those who know our King, this is not a sacrifice or duty, but a privilege untold!
Auckland, New Zealand
people like we, how strange the King choose us to share HIs throne! even more strange, that we refuse to be our King's !! oh Lord, it is not a sacrifice, but such a privilege we can give oursevels to Him!! oh saints, arise!! the holy bargain strike!!!
All things are yours when you are His,
And He and you are one;
A boundless life in Him there is,
And kingdom yet to come.
Lo Suyo, todo tuyo es,
Si tú a El te das;
Vida abundante hallarás,
Y un reino que vendrá.
Kyle, TX, United States
ALL things are His!
Austin, TX, United States
Brother EC, from Los Angeles, you are exactly right!
Los Angeles, CA, United States
When thinking of the saints who lost power, water and have been suffering from the being stranded in home in severe frigid cold caused but the recent winter storm, the first stanza came. "All things are his, yes, life and death; things present or to come." As we continue to pray for the saints to be delivered from such outward hardships, may the saints experience Christ as his breath and home.
Tuguegrao City, Cagayan Valley, Philippines
"All things are yours when you are His,
And He and you are one;
A boundless life in Him there is,
And kingdom yet to come." 💖
Considering comment by Tom:
No mortal tongue can e’er describe
The freedom of the soul,
When passed beyond all earthly bribe
With God, to reach His goal.