Will your anchor hold in the storms of life

B192 E331 F64
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Stedfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
  Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.
It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;
And the cables passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy the blast, through strength divine.
It will firmly hold in the straits of fear,
When the breakers have told the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.
It will surely hold in the floods of death,
When the waters cold chill our latest breath;
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the veil.
Ross Norsworthy

St Petersburg, FL, United States

Hebrews 6:13-20 comforted and quieted my heart this morning in my meditation, and my heart resonated with that precious old hymn. "This hope (God's twofold promise which He swore with an oath: 1. to bless us and 2. to make us a blessing) we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast..."

R Eaton

Bella Vista, AR, United States

I often awaken with hymns in my mind. This one has been strong in my mind for a few mornings. Yes, in these times we need the Rock and a strong anchor of faith attached to it. “Truly He is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. ” Psalms 62:2

Esther Emmanuel Amana

Oron, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Am so much impressed with this song, Because I know my Anchor Holds


Brooklyn, NY, United States

As I woke this morning I said to satan, not this morning you get behind me, as I started praising God, this hymn came into my mind. What calming and reasuring words. God always comes to our defence. Our anchor must hold in the storms of life if we put our trust in him

Peter Ubomba-Jaswa

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

I have passing through depressing valley of thoughts for about two days. Then in the morning of the second day the Lord graciously flooded my mind the chorus of this wonderful song of confidence of presence of the Lord in whatever we are going through. We can anchor on Jesus the Rock of our salvation. He says "Be still, and know that I am God".

Mfon Ebito

Oron, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

My high school anthem. Methodist

Boy's High school.

Inspiring Anthem

Joann Watt

Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

I was reading Mark 4 and at the end if this chapter it tells about the storm and Jesus was sleeping but the disciples were scared and woke him asking if Jesus cared that they perish? This reminds me of what we are facing in this current time. But this song came to me and reminds me that he is our Anchor steadfast and sure while the billows roar. It gives me strength Jesus truly is the Anchor in times of storms we face. ❤

Opelia Idiami Ezeh

Abua Central, Rivers State, Nigeria

Very deep in assurance of hope; so reassuring of God's steadfast love and protection. An important song. Could be stuck on replay!

Audrey Heschuk

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

My Anchor holds even though my husband Steve is in Heaven as of Dec. 21st 2019, I know his Spirit is with me and I will be with him again.

I love all the old hymns and would love to sing them again.



I really love this song because it challenges my Christian faith.

Piano Hymns