Search 1267
E962 Oh, how long before my Lord comes back Classic
E846 Oh, may my spirit flow Classic
E499 Oh, what a life! Oh, what a peace Classic
E500 Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength Classic
E223 On the table of Thy love Classic
E16 Our Father, as the evergreen Classic
E925 Outreach of the glorious gospel Classic
E124 Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor Classic
E784 Pray to fellowship with Jesus Classic
E786 Pray to labor with the Lord Classic
E786b Pray to labor with the Lord (Alternate Tune) Classic
E783 Pray to touch the throne of God Classic
E783b Pray to touch the throne of God (Alternate Tune) Classic
E779 Pray with one accord in spirit Classic
E780 Praying always in the spirit Classic
E785 Praying to express the Lord Classic
E785b Praying to express the Lord (Alternate Tune) Classic
E845 Release my spirit! This is what I need Classic
NT426 Remove My Covering, Lord New Tunes
E426 Remove my covering, Lord Classic
E943 Requirements of the Kingdom are Classic
E820 Riches of Christ we should enjoy Classic
E984 River of living water Classic
E8204 River of living water (2) Classic
E390 Savior, lead me, this I pray Classic