Praying to express the Lord

C567 CB785 E785 G785 K567 R529 T785
Praying to express the Lord,
We must not ourselves express,
But let Christ reveal Himself,
His desire in us impress.
Praying to express the Lord,
We must utter His intent,
Quieting our human thoughts
That with His our mind be blent.
Praying to express the Lord,
Ever looking unto Him
As a mirror to reflect
All His glory from within.
Praying to express the Lord,
Letting Him beseech in us;
Christ indwelling prays within
To the Christ in heaven thus.
Praying to express the Lord,
Learning not to pray by self,
Praying wholly with the Lord,
Praying only by Himself.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

How crucial it is in these days that we afford the Christ dwelling in us to pray to the Christ ruling from His throne in the heavens.

Thanh Le

San Francisco, California, United States

The genuine prayer is to express the Lord' intent, really reflect His heart desires. But we often follow the religious way to express our natural thoughts, own desires. Praise the Lord this hymn has adjusted my praying way.