Search 1267
E745 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now (mingling) Classic
E81 O Lord, Thy being is of old Classic
E81b O Lord, Thy being is of old (Alternate Tune) Classic
E190 O Lord, as we consider Thee Classic
E187 O Lord, how rich Thou art to us Classic
E274 O Lord, we seek the power we need Classic
E501 O glorious Christ, Savior mine Classic
E501b O glorious Christ, Savior mine (Alternate Tune) Classic
E1015 O glory, glory, what a life Classic
E966 O hope of glory, our Christ will return Classic
E911 O how blessed is the priest's life Classic
E152 O how deep and how far-reaching Classic
NT152 O how deep and how far-reaching New Tunes
E152b O how deep and how far-reaching (Alternate Tune) Classic
E602 O how glorious! O how holy Classic
E801 O living Word of God, God's image true Classic
E542 O the riches of my Savior Classic
E233 O what a miracle, my Lord Classic
E1074 O what a mystery, the Savior Classic
E8264 O what a mystery, the Savior (revised) Classic
E536 Objective and subjective Christ is to us Classic
E536b Objective and subjective Christ is to us (Alternate Tune) Classic
E271 Of the Spirit born in spirit Classic
E256 Oh, blow upon us, Lord, while here we wait on Thee Classic
E8670 Oh, get ready, God to meet Classic